Malika Ménard, her dying father: the Miss by her side to “enjoy the last moments”

To celebrate the holidays, Malika Ménard agreed to confide in the magazine on the subject Closer. The young woman, elected Miss France 2010, took the opportunity to talk about her holiday loves, her best and her worst memories, but above all the program for her next few weeks. At a time when some are planning to go to the other side of the world, Malika Ménard prefers to stay in the South of France, in the region of Nîmes, where her father is.

At 35, the former beauty queen has only one goal: to make the most of her dad Gilles, whose days are now numbered according to her words: “I intend to go back and forth a lot to enjoy my dad’s last moments, who is seriously affected by Charcot’s disease..” Difficult weeks are ahead for the young woman who has time to catch up with the man of her life.

Malika Ménard did not have the chance to grow up with both parents. They divorced when she was only 5 years old. The separation is so difficult that they clash in court. The little girl that she is doesn’t know it yet, but she’s about to not see her dad for several years after the court’s decision to grant custody to her mom: “I didn’t understand much. I lived day to day without knowing when I would see my father again. I called often. I kept myself informed. Especially for homework, school…

At the dawn of her 10th birthday, Malika Ménard will end up reconnecting with Gilles to never let go again. A reunion more precious than ever after the doctors’ diagnosis fell a few years ago: “Summer 2018, my mother-in-law called me to tell me about her concerns about my dad’s health. He has problems holding objects, especially his eating utensils. As my paternal grandparents had Parkinson’s disease, I think about this diseaseshe explained at the time to the site La parole aux patients. It was only in January 2019 that my father announced to me that he had Charcot’s disease, ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). I will always remember this day…

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