Malika Ménard, cash on her descent into hell following the announcement of an incurable disease!

Franck Dubosc, Rayane Bensetti, Malika Menard… These three personalities share a sad point in common: that of seeing or having seen a loved one suffer from Charcot’s disease. If Franck Dubosc and Rayane Bensetti have unfortunately already lost their father to this degenerative disease, Malika Menard is lucky to always have hers with her “because a warrior never gives up and always leads the fight with smile and rage in her eyes, ”she wrote on her Instagram account.

This Thursday, June 30, 2022, the former beauty queen spoke about this disease in the context of an interview with the association ARSLA. “When my father told me he was sick in January 2019, I immediately felt very bad because I had known (Charcot’s) disease through a friend, Rayane Bensetti, and it’s like that’s what I heard about the disease a year before my father fell ill”she explained.

“A sledgehammer”

“It took him a long time to consult a neurologist… He started getting used to the idea at the end of the summer of 2018. He had to digest the information before telling us to start the year 2019. A year 2019 which was the worst year of my life personally”, entrusted Malika Menard in all transparency.

Far from her father who does not live in the same region as her, the former Miss France explained that she suffered from the lack of communication with her father: “Physically, I can’t see him, he can’t telephone as he wants, nor write so there is less and less communication… That’s the hardest part. It’s a disease that doesn’t give you hope. There is no treatment, no explanation, it’s still a big blow to the head.”said the 34-year-old journalist.

And to conclude: “Whether you are sick or close to sick, you are not alone and that is why the arasa is there so do not hesitate to get in touch. » A great way to make as many people as possible aware of this rare disease.

See also: Malika Menard: the ex-Miss France in a relationship with a New Star!

Lisa Ziane

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