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The first conclusions of the administrative investigation into the attack on Yvan Colonna in Arles prison, which led to his death on Monday March 21, will be known in April. The responsibility of the State is already pointed out by the opposition.
What really happened on March 2, 2022, behind the walls of the Arles detention center (Bouches-du-Rhône)? On the ground floor of the building, at 10:30 a.m., inmate Yvan Colonna was alone in the gym, lying face down. A supervisor then lets in another inmate, also a housekeeper. The man closes the door, and assaults Yvan Colonna. For nine long minutes, no one intervenes, not even the supervisor, posted in the hallway. The latter does not notice that the door is closed, while the rules require it to be left open.
Video surveillance also raises questions, since two cameras are installed in the sports hall. The images are broadcast among the 54 screens of the security PC. If a supervisor was present at the time of the attack, the director, Laurent Ridel, indicates that he was busy with other tasks. Finally, the profile of the presumed assassin of Yvan Colonna, a radical Islamist convicted of terrorism, questions. He was incarcerated in another prison until 2020, then was transferred to Arles.
Why this transfer, and why was he authorized to work as a domestic helper? So many questions that the judicial and administrative investigations will have to answer. Gabriel Attal, the government spokesman, spoke of a “very serious malfunction“. The conclusions of the investigation will be known at the beginning of April.