Mako from Japan in XL jeans and boots in New York: ex-princess first noticed

Arrival mid-November in the Big Apple, Mako from Japan has indeed started her new life as an almost ordinary married young woman. On photos relayed by the Daily Mail on November 22, 2021, the ex-princess and niece of Emperor Naruhito appears in the middle of a shopping spree in New York, in the decoration and supplies store Bed Bath & Beyond. With her cart in hand, the 30-year-old Japanese woman bought some accessories for her new apartment in the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood in Manhattan.

No more staid outfits and tight buns, make way for relaxation in jeans and big boots! Last Friday, it was alone, without her husband Kei Komuro, and obviously without a bodyguard, that she went (almost) incognito. Video in support, the tabloid specifies that once her purchases are completed, the one who is now called Mako Komuro was somewhat disoriented, asking for directions to passers-by … Not easy to navigate in a city so far removed from his imperial life!

On November 14, Mako and her young husband Rei Komuro arrived in New York from Japan under good escort. A new American life started just a few days after their wedding celebrated in Tokyo, without the sumptuous imperial rites. To finally celebrate this union, the princess had to renounce her title and her financial compensation from the State normally granted to women leaving the imperial household: a unique case in the history of post-war Japan, as recalled by AFP.

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