Making your own detergent, a good plan for the wallet, health and the environment

100 euros per year is a figure that comes up often…and here we are not talking about the detergent best rated by consumer associations or the most ecological obviously…You have to count between 15 and 50 cents per cycle depending on the product you choose anyway (I’m not talking about water and electricity here).

The BABA: dose well

We start by measuring well. It may seem silly, but putting on too much detergent does not only result in to waste of the product, it is also a badly rinsed laundry, a washing machine that gets dirty and an increased risk of allergies.

Use the dosage provided by the manufacturer?

That would seem the most logical but… no! The best thing is to get a small measuring cup and trust the label, it is now mandatory that the recommended doses are indicated on the packaging of a detergent, it depends in particular on the quantity of linen, the stains, but also the hardness of your water so if it is more or less calcareous. This little trick is obviously only possible if you do not take capsules that consumer associations suggest to avoid…

Do it yourself: the most advantageous solution

So don’t raise your eyes to the sky, if I’m telling you about it it’s because it’s nothing exceptional, you won’t need to block half a day for that… on the other hand it will come back to you at 1 euro per liter or even 80 cents against 4 or even 6 euros for an industrial product.

Here is a recipe for doing your laundry yourself that I have obviously tested for you! 1 liter of water, 20 grams of black soap, 20 grams of Marseille soap in shavings and a tablespoon of soda crystals.

You bring everything to a boil, let it cool for a few hours outside, and it’s all done! it takes 5 minutes and children love to play apprentice chemists.

And in addition it keeps for weeks, you just have to stir before use (it freezes a little) and you have between 20 and 25 detergents with this recipe.

Zero waste workshops for support

There are hundreds every week all over France… This Monday, September 26, for example, at the social center of Allones (Sarthe) from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. a workshop for doing your laundry and fabric softener. And if you prefer to organize it at home with your family, I found the “Ateliers de MuMu” in Castres (Tarn): Muriel comes to your home to teach you the tricks of doing it yourself!

Do you know a way to save money, or earn more money? Contact Valère Corréard.

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