Make your own burgers

She reminded us of the (German) origin of the Hamburger, its evolution and she gave us lots of ways to make her burgers by changing the content or the bread. She also gave us an “Easter” version with lamb.

Emilie, from the Vosges, gave us her recipe with raclette cheese and red onions.

Our leader

Lorraine PIERRAT, chef and patroness of the Domaine de Saint Romary in Saint Etienne les Remiremont.

Our culinary expert

Karine Claude is a druggist in Nancy (rue Raugraff, rue de la Craffe…) gave us the list of equipment she offers to prepare Easter recipes such as bread eggs or brioches.

One day a trade

Every day we go to see our merchants to find out about seasonal products. Today we called the Butcher DAVAL in Val d ‘ Ajol.

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