Make way for readers | What you want to transform in 2023

Earlier this month, we launched a call to our readers to find out what they want to transform in 2023. Here is a snapshot of the emails received.

Transform the school

Transform the school so that our children have a childhood with their friends, their carelessness, their dreams and that adults do not take away from them this moment that makes a life the best memories we can have. Transform the school so that our young and old teenagers have an adolescence and a young adult life with their friends, the right to become adults without pressure. Simply that life as an adult and future citizen gives them the desire to do better than their parents and that benevolence is the backbone of their future.

Carole St-Onge

Transforming the way we consume

Transforming is the solution to avoiding excessive consumption and recovering what already exists, without accumulating waste. Recently, Renaissance added a string to its bow, having found a solution to recover the fabric of faded clothes: shredding. It is used, among other things, for padding. This is just one of the possible uses, as other companies have also taken to creating other products from recycled fabric. Finally, green solutions with limitless consumption…

Diane Morin

Transform social networks

How I wish I could transform the “so-called social” networks! From networks where it was possible to exchange and even discuss different subjects, these networks have slipped towards hatred, insult and misinformation in a few years. The debates are over, we are now less than two answers away from a well-felt insult, launched by someone who has “done his research” or who has had sudden enlightenment!

Dany Gauthier, Saint-Felicien

Transform hate

I want to transform the hatred that animates part of society into empathy and openness to others. Just this small change would have major impacts since wars and racism would be a thing of the past! Tensions of all kinds would be reduced while creating a multitude of incredible links in all countries and all cultures. Of course, this wish will remain utopian… as long as each of us does not believe in it! So, it’s up to all of us to take a step towards greater social openness without fear of the other!

Frederic Imbeault, La Prairie

Transform to finance public services

I would like governments to transform our public services by attacking tax havens and undeclared work so that it is not always the same people who pay taxes to subsidize these services to the population, such as our schools or our hospitals. These ultra-rich and unscrupulous illegal workers are often the first to brag about taking advantage of the system without paying a penny and even dare to complain when they are not satisfied. We should hunt down these pests and punish them severely. Once this cleaning is done, perhaps those who pay their fair share will finally be entitled to decent services.

Micheline Naud

Transform mindsets

In 2023, is it utopian to dare to want to transform mentalities? I am talking here about the excessive consumption mentality that is destroying our planet; of the I-me-me mentality, after me the deluge. From this mentality that makes some turn a blind eye to the atrocities that are going on in front of their house, their neighbor’s house. I would add the mentality of those who believe they are above the law, albeit sometimes imperfect, but who nevertheless help us to live together. Yes, for 2023, I dream of transforming mentalities for a living together imbued with respect and tenderness towards each other.

ariann bouchard

Transforming driver behavior

I would like to transform the behavior of drivers on the roads. In my second-hand Corolla, I am regularly overtaken by large pick-ups, SUVs and large luxury cars traveling at 120 km/h or more. Hard to believe there is a climate crisis watching this show. Slow down, ladies and gentlemen. For the climate. For our safety.

Michel Gammon, Brome Lake

Transform my consumption habits

I would like to transform my consumption habits to recycle, sell used items, buy less, turn my waste into compost, transform my vegetable garden into a living grocery store. And, of course, influence those around me to adapt these ways of doing things. I would also like our ideas to turn into something constructive, benevolent and respectful in terms of our society. It happens in everyone’s consciousness, costs nothing and brings tangible results.

Gisele Gagnon, Levis

Transforming our healthcare system

The health system, a real transformation! Let’s listen to people in the field, value the work of nurses, nursing assistants, orderlies, etc. Let’s give CHSLD residents the attention they deserve and stop robotizing their care despite their great cognitive losses. I dream, but as a caregiver to my mother in a CHSLD, I am discouraged for these residents who are speechless and abandoned by the system and, sometimes, by their families. We can always dream.

Monique Duguay

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