Make way for readers | Vero’s jackpot

Véronique Cloutier’s fight for access to bio-identical hormone therapy for women is abundantly highlighted by our readership. Here is an overview of the emails received following Nathalie Collard’s editorial “Véro’s jackpot”.

Posted at 3:00 p.m.

Measurable effects

I have been a family physician with a strong interest in hormonal issues for over 20 years. I became familiar with the practice of so-called bio-identical hormone therapy long before it was fashionable. I could see the correctness of the observations of the DD Demers on the use of natural progesterone in perimenopause and its frequent superiority over synthetic progestins in menopause. I have lost count of the number of patients who have returned to a normal life after having felt it change at the same time as their hormone levels. This practice is demanding, as it requires time and careful listening to all the symptoms before deciding what action to take. However, it provides a lot of satisfaction when the effects are palpable on the quality of life of patients. I am very happy that my patients no longer need to pay out of pocket to allow themselves the relief that their treatment provides them: on the emotional and physical levels, on the quality of sleep and on sexuality. Congratulations to the minister who is once again showing openness and pragmatism!

Yves Lévesque, physician, Beloeil

Well done and thank you

Congratulations and thank you, Véro, for your approach and your success!!! These bio-identical hormones have changed my life for the better!

Chantal Legault

Be delighted

I welcome that. A retired gynecologist, I can tell you that our federations have taken many steps so that Quebec women can benefit from this type of hormone, but without success. The companies did it too, but they are still accused of conflict of interest. When it goes through one of our great Quebec stars, it is surely profitable politically, and the CAQ does not miss one. On the other hand, we can only be delighted with the result. I congratulate you for the precisions that you express (concise and adequate) on the menopause.

Michel J. Cote

Contrary opinions

Great news for women. Me, I missed the hormone contest. At my menopause, my doctor refused to give me hormones, and I have suffered for 15 years with all the consequences on the body described in the documentary. Following its broadcast, I go back to see my doctor, who mentions that this documentary is a total fraud. I ask him if I can still try bioidentical hormones for my health. He gives me a prescription (backwards). Once at the pharmacy, the pharmacist refuses to give me the hormone in question: too dangerous, he says… Phew! I do not understand anything anymore.


Collateral damages

Just to tell you that menopause doesn’t only concern women, it concerns all of society. Just like Cloutier, I hit the jackpot at Loto-Méno, and I swear to you that without the bio-identical hormones, I didn’t get through it unscathed. Neither my relationship nor my sanity. I would have left several years of my forties, my couple and my financial future there. I would like us to become aware of the collateral damage of menopause: they are family, matrimonial, professional, financial, psychological and social.

Andree Champagne

Yes, but…

As a family physician, much of whose practice focuses on women’s health, I am very happy to have new molecules available, especially for my patients without private insurance, since their treatment options in menopause and perimenopause were limited. However, the way in which the coverage of these hormones was authorized by the minister following the intervention of a public figure seems to me rather unusual. There are so many new treatments recommended as first-line treatment by various medical associations, which are more effective and better tolerated, and for which reimbursement is refused by the RAMQ, in particular for the treatment of diabetes. I’m crossing my fingers that a public figure will promote it soon, because our demands as professionals are obviously not heard…

Etienne Villeneuve

open up

It is true that Véronique Cloutier put her notoriety at the service of women, but above all, she had the courage to talk about her personal life. Other well-known personalities, including Anne-Marie Cadieux and Marie-Soleil Michon, were very generous in their testimony. A big thank you to all of you!

Nicole Roy

Towards equality

Thanks to Vero for making her quest known to everyone. I went through menopause on bioidentical hormones because I had insurance. Thank you for this effort towards equality for all.

Marie Desrosiers, Laval

The women’s choice

A doctor for 50 years, I understood a long time ago that bioidentical hormones work and can be useful. On the other hand, if they work, it means that they also have the risks and side effects of “traditional” hormones. This is the explanation I gave to my patients and it was up to them to decide.

Richard Gosselin, physician, Granby


Yes, very proud that Véronique Cloutier made things happen. Especially since my daughters are reaching their forties, they will be better informed.

Suzanne Brisebois

To understand

This documentary allowed me to understand that certain pains and discomforts were linked to menopause. Since then, I have been taking “traditional” hormones and they have greatly improved my quality of life and that of my couple.

Louise Perron

Nothing less than a miracle

Bio-identical hormones have really been wonderful for me. After a total hysterectomy in January 2018, I started having tendinitis and capsulitis in both my shoulders, which could hardly move. I received cortisone injections several times a year and I did physiotherapy every month: the improvement lasted a few weeks and the pain started again, despite all the treatments. In January 2021 I started using the Estradiol patches, and all my pain in both shoulders went away within the first month. In my case, it was miraculous. All women should have the right to try them to combat their pain.

Nathalie Lagace

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