Make way for readers | The unacceptable noise of the REM

Marie Gervais-Vidricaire’s letter on the noise of the REM, published on June 12, made our readers react, both those inconvenienced by the creaking of the rails and by those who put up with the inconveniences of urban life.

Important to mobilize

I completely agree with you. I myself am very angry. My spouse and I bought a property in Pointe-Saint-Charles on Sainte-Madeleine Street, probably less than 700 m from the REM tracks running alongside Costco. The quality of life of the whole neighborhood east of Wellington and north of the A15 is at risk. When passages are frequent, we believe we are on the edge of a noisy highway. We fear that the administration of the REM and the CDPQ will do less than the minimum required to minimize their expenses. It is more than important that people mobilize against this.

Philippe Menard, Montreal


I am a resident of L’Île-des-Sœurs and even though I am some distance from the REM, I am surprised by the noise caused by the tests in progress. The friction noise of the wheels on the rail is greatly amplified by the height. It is a major noise nuisance.

Sylvie Goulet, Nuns’ Island

We must assume

Buying a property in July 2021 300 meters from the REM, you can imagine that there will be noise in your living room. It is a risk that must now be assumed. It’s enough to blame others when the risk of noise was obvious. Assume your decision, madam, and do not blame others. Otherwise, move…

Francois Daviault

Unable to chat

I live at the Ambiance residence in L’Île-des-Sœurs and I wonder if the REM will pass through the house! When I’m on the balcony, I have to interrupt my conversation on the phone to let him pass!

Madeleine Perron

You will get used to

The “whispers” who knowingly bought (as in Dorval and planes) near the REM to give more value to their property, are now surprised by the noise. Get out of your backyard and check out Toronto, Vancouver, Bangkok, Oslo and several European cities. That’s living in the city, with its advantages and disadvantages. You will get used to it. I know this from experience with three bus lines that pass through my yard from morning to night, in addition to a very popular bike path. The first year was hell, now I can’t hear them. Barking dogs and yelling kids bother me more.

Helene Lamontagne

New environment

Although ecologically efficient, the electric train is not without noise, which causes certain problems. It is obvious that the construction of an aerial railroad, which passes through already established agglomerations, is not without creating a change in the environment in terms of the level of added decibels. If you want a quiet mode of circulation, even the train on tires is not the solution: you only have to frequent the network of underground trains of the Montreal metro to realize it. It may be hard to accept, but an overhead railway will always make noise. As for the burial under the Lachine Canal, let’s be realistic: the cost would have been increased tenfold! Over time, just like for those who live near railway tracks in la belle province, this noise will become part of your sound environment.

Michael Leclerc

There are solutions

However, it is possible to have a commuter train that makes almost no noise. We recently had proof of this in the suburbs of Malaga, Spain. The Malaga commuter train (electric!) which runs along the Costa del Sol, from Malaga to Fuengirola, passed just behind the building where we were staying all April. It came every 20 minutes and you could barely hear it when we were outside nearby. We never heard it from inside, not even on the terrace located in front of the building. So there are solutions to this noise pollution… and municipalities/governments that apply them.

Pierre Dupuis

There will always be unhappy

I live in L’Île-des-Sœurs also 300 meters away and I hear absolutely nothing! Before saying that the technology is obsolete, we should perhaps give them time to evaluate noise attenuation measures! We are very lucky that the Caisse de dépôt had the vision to invest in such an ambitious and ecological project! There will always be a 5% of unhappy people, but we must not forget the other 95% who are and will be very happy!

Sarah Maude Larose

Back in the past

As a resident of Pointe-Saint-Charles, I agree with the comments regarding the noise generated by the REM. It is unlikely to have designed such a noisy train. It feels like stepping back in time.

Monique Bouthillier

Analyzes to do

REM noise is a source of concern and frustration for many. I understand. Let us act professionally by establishing the level of noise generated by the passage of REM cars, by determining the acceptable noise level for a peaceful urban environment, by determining the difference between these two noise levels and, finally, by defining the necessary mitigation measures, noise barriers or other. As long as the chatter about the noise of the REM is not replaced by analyzes and possible technical solutions with readings in decibels, this whole exercise will be futile and theoretical.

Emile Sayegh, architect

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