Make way for readers | The importance of District 31 in your life

The announcement of the end of the series District 31 in April, created quite a commotion among the very many fans of this detective series that has been broadcast for six years on Radio-Canada. Here is a small sample of the feedback we received.

Posted at 7:00 a.m.

District 31 was (and still is) a date for my blind son and me. He rarely watches TV, except Unit 9 and District 31. He understands, learns, I describe to him what we see, he is attentive. He talks about it, asks me what could happen later, what it means. He often returns during the day to what happened to obtain details. It increases his fields of interest. When the lieutenant played by Geneviève Brouillette was replaced, we did not know who would appear on our screen that Monday. When my son heard the voice of actress Ève Landry coming on stage, he immediately said: “It’s Jeanne Biron in Unit 9. I would like the actress to know this funny little fact. District 31 we will miss, I think my son will miss it more, the only series to which he attached importance. We will find, I imagine, a daily series which will be able to animate it again. Thanks to the whole team ! ”

Reine-Aimee Côté

“For me, the disappearance of District 31, it’s like Guy Lafleur’s retirement. We’ll get over it, but it’s going to take a long time. So spring will be sad in Quebec this year: the end of District 31 and the Canadian will not make the playoffs. ”

Louise Dextraze

“Like many others, the end of District (as we call it between us) is very sad news. All these years of saying to each other between colleagues: “OK, we’re going to the toilet” or even “In the meeting room, quickly” to tell each other a gossip or simply to laugh on a Monday morning. Of course we will continue… Also, how many bets on the conclusion of a plot, the fate of a character or the punch of winter or summer holidays? Short, District will have been at the heart of our lives and it will remain so, I believe. Besides, we always continue to say or text each other: “ce tu wla, gwassideurw”, the proof that we remain faithful to our classics! On this… There are two microphones and cameras, which will save us from taking notes, you understand? Cordially. ”


“I had never listened to the series District 31. Mother of three children, the time of broadcast fell exactly in the commotion of a hectic end of the day. Homework, baths, story before bedtime and tutti quanti… In 2019, I stopped working, professional and family burnout. Nothing tempted me, I was constantly in bed crying over my life. This is where I met District 31, a lot of. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that’s what brought me out of my torpor, my psychologist wouldn’t agree, but it connected me on something else; endearing characters, diverse plots, flawless surgical writing. I started to eat again, especially popcorn at first, and slowly I came out of my dark spiral and found my way back to healing. Thank you District 31, I’ll miss you ! ”

Natalie Pelletier

“It was my appointment on Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m., to see the four episodes in burst. I had predicted the end lately, seeing the slowing down of the rhythm and the repetitions which ended up boring. I told myself that Luc Dionne must have another project in mind… He has the merit of hooking us with well-researched and well-documented subjects. I learned a lot about detective work and legal services. Exciting ! Congratulations to Luc Dionne! ”

Diane Morin

“Like many people, I learned with great sadness the end of District 31. The reasons mentioned by Mr. Dionne particularly touched me since I know what exhaustion is. Several personal and professional events (I am a nursing care advisor, a nurse by profession) experienced in recent years have resulted in a one-year sick leave for depression. No matter how I feel, happy, sad, angry, depressed, I have those moments, Monday to Thursday, where I forget everything, to recharge myself with District 31. As if, no matter what happens to me, at least there is District. With the characters, I laughed, cried, shouted, and despite all the events experienced during this series, it made me feel good. Thanks for reading and have a nice day. ”

Melody Boudriault

District 31 I will miss. This daily life allowed me to get out of the pandemic in the spring of 2020. I trembled for certain characters, I tried to solve the puzzles using the clues available (or not!) and I laughed! The excellent work of the actors, the solid texts and the whole team behind the cameras made me experience all the ranges of emotions. We are lucky in Quebec to have access to productions of this quality! ”

Caroline Goulet

District 31 took a great place in my life. I am 83 years old, I live alone in my house since the death of my husband 16 years ago. I had eight children, five boys and three girls. At 7:00 p.m., I have had supper, my house is tidy, I have washed and I await my visit. District 31, it’s my family who visits me, my little guys who are a little turbulent, my beautiful daughters who are charming and always ready to help. They are all different, one more naughty, one more authoritarian, one who is in love, the other who is in love, life, what. Mournings, worries, but in love and friendship. Over the past nine years, two of my children have died of cancer. And there, it’s as if I was told the departure of the others. COVID-19 has taught us to live with loneliness, a good series gave me hope every night of the week seeing the interaction of these beautiful girls and these beautiful boys that I took for mine for six years. Thank you to all this team, you are part of my life. As I say to everyone: take care of yourself! Everything is lent to us in life, you have to know how to put it back when the time comes. ”

Cecile Chabot

” Absolutely nothing ! Luc Dionne’s texts didn’t turn me on at all. I watched the first two seasons… persevering, saying to myself: what do you mean, everyone is having a hood, but not me? I don’t like Luc Dionne’s kind of bonhomie with his cheap little morals. This remains my opinion. I didn’t like the soap opera The little life no more. ”

Micheline Durand

“I am a fan of the series District 31 from the beginning. I immediately fell in love with the characters in the series, some more than others. My favorite: Daniel Chiasson. I really like his protective side towards the members of his team. I think subconsciously I wish I had a boss like that. The kind of person who does not hesitate to defend his gang in front of the big boss. So I followed the show from the start and yes, I’m one of the fans who never answer the phone while the episode was airing, but I believe all good things must come to an end. So thank you to Luc Dionne for all the great television moments of the past six years and I wish him a well-deserved rest. That said, I can’t wait to watch his next series. We love you, Luke XXX »

Odette Royer

“Firstly, I’m sad to hear the end of the series, because for six years, I haven’t missed an episode. Since the very first episode, I’ve been addicted to the characters. I discovered actors that I did not know. To tell you the truth, we get attached to these little bugs. I would like to thank all the main and supporting actors very warmly for their great work in keeping us entertained (even if sometimes some episodes were difficult to watch) for 720 episodes by the end of April. I will have to mourn this one, which I believe will be difficult for all fans of the series. At 6:59 p.m., I stopped everything to District 31. Thank you, Mr. Luc Dionne, you are an incredible author. I will be sure to watch your new annual series next fall. Congratulations also to the people behind the cameras, and this, in a broader way. I wish you all a good continuation and thank you for these beautiful years. ”

Louise Caron

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