The journalists from the Sports team answer your questions.
NHL immigration status
The procedure for obtaining a temporary authorization to work in Quebec is long. What about professional athletes who are traded from a US club to a Canadian club? Is there a special accelerated procedure for them?
Roger Garant, Lac-Megantic
Response from Guillaume Lefrancois
Me Patrice Brunet is a lawyer specializing in sports law and immigration. Your question therefore falls squarely within his area of expertise. “Generally, for a work permit, you have to demonstrate that there is a labor shortage. But there are several exemptions, and professional athletes fall under the C-20 exemption, he explains. This exemption is based on the principle of reciprocity for employment opportunities for Canadians abroad. In this case, it is therefore quite well known that Canadians play hockey in the United States, and Americans in Canada. “If we are able to demonstrate it, it’s quite simple. The player presents himself at a port of entry and the officer has the authority to grant the work permit immediately. »
golf gloves

Rory McIlroy
Why do professional golfers take their glove off after each shot and put it back on a few minutes later for the next shot?
Marcel Rivest
Reply from Nicholas Richard
Actually, there are two very simple reasons. On the one hand, there is the idea that if the players are on the field between four and seven hours a day during a tournament (including the warm-up period), the wearing of the glove, which is rather tight , becomes unpleasant in the long run. Due to heat and sweat, the longer the glove is worn, the sweatier the hand becomes. On the other hand, the vast majority of players remove it once on the green, for their putt. Some players, like Tiger Woods, remove it on the approach shot. Just so that, as precision shots require a certain feeling on the shaft and a certain comfort in the positioning of the hands, the glove does not obstruct this feeling of control and balance. There is also the fact that for many, it has become a matter of habit.
Money to junior teams

Connor Bedard
Does a junior club that sees one of its players drafted by an NHL team receive a royalty?
Gaetan Quenneville
Response from Guillaume Lefrancois
The teams do receive a fee. The NHL sends a sum to the Canadian Hockey League (CHL), an entity that oversees the three junior circuits in the country. The sums are then distributed to the teams “according to the rounds [de repêchage] “, said a spokesperson for the QMJHL, and this amount may vary from year to year. Impossible to know this amount with precision, but a speaker in the middle mentioned a sum “in the four figures” for each player. Special clauses may apply to certain special cases, European players, for example.
The Quebec flag in the CFL

Austin Mack
All CFL teams display a Canadian flag and the league logo behind their helmet, but the Alouettes are the only team to also display their provincial flag. Is it a sponsorship from the Government of Quebec?
Martin Roy
Response from Guillaume Lefrancois
It is not a sponsorship, but simply a decision of the organization. The Alouettes began displaying the fleur-de-lysé flag starting in the 2011 season.
The life of roommates

Connor McDavid
Do major league players have to room on the road? Do some players get preferential treatment? Does a superstar like Connor McDavid have to room with a supporting player?
Jean-Philippe Deschenes-Gilbert
Response from Guillaume Lefrancois
In the NHL, article 16.9 specifies that “any player who does not hold an entry contract is entitled to a single occupancy room”. In other words, teams can only ask players who are on their first contract to share a room. Individual rooms are provided in the NBA, while in the NFL and Major League Baseball the choice seems to be left to the teams.