Make way for readers | “Quiet Revolution”: Your reactions to Kim Thúy’s carte blanche

“Quiet Revolution”, Kim Thúy’s carte blanche dealing with Quebec culture and literature abroad, published on June 18 in Context, clearly pleased our readers. Here is an overview of the emails received.

Generous modesty

Extraordinary and touching text. What a fair and clear definition of who we are. Quebecers are not too nice, but positively themselves in this generous modesty.

Remi Theberge, Sutton

A talented author

Magnificent text by a talented author on her host society. May we all learn to live at this dizzying height and pass these values ​​on to our children! Thank you, Kim Thúy, for spreading your vision of our part of the country all over the world! You have all my gratitude for having understood more than many “native” Quebecers the pride of being French-speaking Quebecers.

Louise Laberge

Humility and creativity

What a beautiful card! But the word “humility” comes back to him and sticks to his skin! For Quebec, I would say the word “creativity”. The talent of all these Quebec authors shines. You only have to travel to realize it, as Mrs. Thúy wrote so well… It is the creativity of the many Quebecers that makes its mark!

Claudette Castonguay, Rimouski

A flash in the blue sky

Thank you for this luminous text in which I find myself: “We cross physical and cultural borders with the openness of adventurers and the politeness of pilgrims. » At 94, I’m looking in vain for the words to describe my passage on our planet and now you bring them to me, just like that, at the turn of an unexpected sentence, like a flash in the blue sky. Know yourself, it has always been said. Thank you, thanks to you, I am moving in this direction.

Marcel Boulanger

An eloquent article

To our beloved Kim Thúy, many thanks for this eloquent article on our literature abroad, of which she is a fervent representative in all her nobility.

Patricia Spry

A calm and luminous force

Kim’s description brings me back to my grandmother’s smiles: calm and luminous strength.

Aline Dufresne


Thank you for this beautiful testimony. It is touching to discover that one is more appreciated abroad than at home. English Canada would do well to open up to the world sooner than to develop its negativism.

Benoit Coderre

Proud to be Quebecers

What a beautiful testimony! I feel, thanks to you and your words, even prouder to be a Quebecer! I love you, Kim Thuy!

Yves Thomas

Humility is stronger than love

After 52 years of practicing family medicine, I have come to the conclusion that humility is even stronger than love in ensuring the sustainability of relationships, both romantic and social. Please remind us.

Richard Gosselin, doctor

A lesson in love

Thank you, Kim Thuy! You love us more than we love each other. Thank you for the lesson, which was not meant to be one!

Lucie Jutras

Moved to tears

I cried reading your post! Thanks to your pen, you have touched my heart! I felt proud to be Quebecer. Thank you for your words, Madame Thúy, it is good for the soul!

Martine Boivin, Drummondville

Humility, our very essence

Thank you, Madame Thúy, for naming our very essence: humility! I feel comfortable with this qualifier… far from American arrogance and European elitism. I feel closer to you than to our neighbors in Ontario… Like many immigrants, Quebeckers were looking for a welcoming land. Different and welcoming, peaceful and green. Thank you for helping us discover ourselves. Especially now that you are watching us from inside the house rather than outside…

Jacques Millaire

A surprising testimony

Thank you, Kim Thúy, for this testimony. In all humility, as you say yourself, I would never have thought that Quebec would have aroused so much interest in so many people in so many other cultures!

Ginette Champagne

A glorious representative

How not to feel proud to be Quebecers while reading you? And above all, how not to feel proud that you are one of our most glorious representatives outside our borders? Thank you Madam !

Jean Louis Gagnon

A national treasure

I think Kim Thúy is a national treasure.

Anne-Marie Phaneuf

Believe in our specificity

What a beautiful text from Kim Thúy! With her pen and her many encounters and experiences abroad, she gives us the desire to believe in our Quebec specificity and its ability to shine in the world.

Our people, who tend to feel small and unimportant, born for a small loaf, have always needed the gaze of strangers (outsiders and other nations) to really feel they exist, to stand up and find some pride.

Kim Thúy describes very well this situation of the need for the gaze and the approval of others and, above all, of the humility (in the skin) that inhabits us. THANKS !

Sylvie Turgeon

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