Make way for readers | Long live the abolition of the oath to the king!

Archaic. Medieval. Outmoded. Readers do not mince words to demand the abolition of the oath to the king that deputies must take. Here is an overview of the hundreds of responses to our appeal to all.

Posted yesterday at 5:00 p.m.


It is an anachronism, an absurdity, for us, Quebecers!

Pierre Lebeau

A real prank

The flags at half mast for the death of the queen, it still passes, but with difficulty and it is already too much, but the oath to King Charles III is a real farce. If Pierre Falardeau was still with us, he could have made a sequel to his film jesters. Hypocrisy, lie or submission… what choices! Do we forget that the deputies represent us and that such an oath can only be an oath of allegiance? It’s not even a return to the Great Darkness, but squarely a return to the Middle Ages!

Pierre Leyraud

Let’s turn the page

It is high time that the law requiring allegiance to royalty be changed. There are only a few days left to allow new elected officials to have access to the Blue Room, so it is imperative to find a workaround if it is impossible to quickly change this act which dates from a bygone era. Since 1867! We are in 2022! Elisabeth is no more, let’s turn the page on the occasion of her departure. Let’s leave the king to the English in England if they want it, but please, it’s high time to cut the cord! We support MPs who refuse this humiliation.

Louise Turcot

Let’s look forward

The United Kingdom is itself in crisis and England is no longer Queen Victoria’s British Empire. It seems to me that Canada and Quebec have more urgent problems to solve than an old symbol that will die out naturally. Please look ahead and meet the real challenges of the XXIe century (immigration, climate change, language, technology, China’s position, populism, etc.) rather than driving while looking in the rear view mirror.

Danielle Garcia

A historic occasion

Truly heartbreaking that Quebec MPs did not have the courage to refuse to take the oath of allegiance to the British Crown. The argument is that the law is currently like that. Do we need to remember that this law is part of a Constitution that was imposed on the people of Quebec? What do they fear if they disobey this archaic law? That the British army deport them as it did with the Acadians? Hang them like we did with the Patriots? That the Canadian army invades Quebec as in 1970? Why continue to kneel before royalty? Do we live in a democracy or a monarchy? Members had a historic opportunity to stand up, to act according to the democratic values ​​they advocate. Missed opportunity. Regrettable.

Jacques Beaudet

A thought to have

I am a federalist and I think that is a good reason for Canada to abolish the monarchy. The King of England does not represent Quebec and its history. Even on the side of English Canada, it is a reflection to have.

Firouz Nikpour-Naini

The inconsistencies of the federal system

Since the Saturday of the truncheon, October 10, 1964, it is obvious that Quebec is republican. What is absurd is the impossibility of putting an end to the monarchy. Paul St-Pierre Plamondon is perfectly right to denounce this absurdity. For a party leader who was called Mr. 3% at the beginning of the year, he has become an essential part of our political life and succeeds in imposing his point of view. He follows his game plan and demonstrates the inconsistencies of our federal system and the insurmountable obstacles to its reform. Will the Parti Québécois and Québec solidaire be able to carve out a path to the Blue Room, it is essential that they succeed and put an end to this ridiculous oath?

Luc Brunet, Brossard

The laws were known

By running for office, everyone knows the laws governing the office, so it is ridiculous to refuse to swear allegiance to the monarchy. Nadeau-Dubois is not credible when he claims he is being asked to lie, he is the one who is inconsistent. He knew very well what the law was, he just had to stay at home. Today, it is his right to follow the rules and work to change the law if he wants.

Louise Cote

No time to waste

Hopefully this debate over allegiance to the British monarchy will not drag on for months of pointless negotiations. We know what the majority of the population and the deputation think of this allegiance. If the law needs to be changed, let’s proceed as quickly as possible and get down to business. Since 2020, Parliament has been fueled by COVID-19, let’s not add to it.

André Brunelle

Follow the legislative process

This oath to the king is an anachronism for a modern country like Canada. That said, we live in a rule of law. The first obligation of our legislators is to respect the laws, how can it be otherwise without denying the rule of law? The Parti Québécois and Québec solidaire are taking their dreams for reality and putting the cart before the horse. Are they exempt from the rule of law because they have just been elected? We agree to remove this backward-looking heritage, but we have to go through the legislative process. Stop your childishness and this useless debate and do the work that has been asked of you by the population in compliance with the laws.

Remi Desbiens, Saguenay

Not a priority

When we have solved the problems of access to housing, health services and an income that does not allow us to just survive, then we can tackle changing this oath. Let them take an oath behind a curtain and let it be said no more.

Monica Nadeau

Change of scenery

In the life of Quebecers, the queen has always been part of the decor, like an old useless piece of furniture gathering dust in a corner and which no one decides to get rid of. Out of laziness, nostalgia or indifference, we ended up forgetting he was there. Today, the one that was part of the furniture is no longer in the room; maybe it’s time for a change of scenery? But before thinking about renovating a useless room in the attic that doesn’t bother that much at the moment, there are so many more important projects in Quebec for our elected officials! Time is running out for our hospitals, our schools, the labor shortage, climate change and so on. So even if this archaic tradition of oath to the king goes through your throat, swallow your pill and do the job why you were elected! There will always be time to debate it later, it is not a priority for Quebecers, there is more urgent to do now!

Daniele Drolet

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