Make way for readers | Instead of promising tax credit cuts

Stéphanie Grammond’s editorial published on Saturday on the management of the CAQ’s public finances did not fail to elicit reactions from our readers. Here is an overview of the emails received.

Posted at 1:00 p.m.

Shovel forward

Giving money to the population has the consequence of maintaining and exacerbating inflation. It’s encouraging people to live with inflation and giving the impression that shoveling forward will eventually make it go away. This mismanagement on the part of the CAQ is ultimately only intended to bribe voters. Choosing recurring measures rather than putting bandages on the sore would be desirable.

André Brunelle

Buy voters vote

Money is the sinews of war. Buying voters’ votes pays off politically. We allow ourselves to be bought off and on top of that, we have the nerve to complain about poor public services. It’s sad ! All parties in power are working first and foremost for their re-election.

Francois St-Onge

We need to lower everyone’s taxes.

Disagree with the columnist, whom I respect by the way. Everyone’s taxes need to be lowered, including retirees, and there’s a rush, except for those who earn more than $300,000 a year. People are suffocated everywhere, and it is always the same workers who pay.

Michael Tourangeau

It is now

The need for many people is now. When hunger strikes, it’s not a tax cut at the end of the year that’s important. It is not a commission of inquiry that is required, it is not a program planned in a year, it is not a program whose complexity to take advantage of it penalizes the most vulnerable… it is now, and make it accessible! My vote will go to whoever understands it, it’s sadly so obvious…

André Poulin

To the most deprived

Checks should be sent to those most in need, only.

Claudette Monette

Directed to the less fortunate

Right now it’s the “perfect storm” as some say: inflation, labor shortages, rising interest rates, supply chain breakdown, war… plus possible famine in some countries because of Russia’s grain blockade. What the government or the opposition advocates through tax cuts should rather be directed towards the poorest so that they can find it easier to feed themselves, find housing and provide their children with as much well-being as possible. A reserve for the difficult days to come is also necessary. A tax cut is always fun… but there is more important now for a government that claims to be responsible!

Sylvain Lessard


I think exactly like you. The injection of billions into the economy only aggravates inflation through overconsumption. However, it must be noted that Justin Trudeau is much worse in this area. It has been stimulating the economy for two years and it is not over. We are still talking about job creation, when there is a labor shortage. It’s the supply side issues that need to be addressed, not the demand side. Do like me: send your $500 to The Red Cross for Ukraine. It’s not going to cause inflation.

Pierre Larocque, Quebec

The common good

The parties are so irresponsible in promising tax cuts or worse, cheques. If we pay taxes, it is for the common good. As you say so well, dilapidated infrastructure, child care spaces, schools in ruins, to name a few, deserve the necessary resources. If we fight tax evasion, corruption and waste, we will already have taken a big step.

Helen Bergeron

Fix what needs fixing

I am against lowering taxes. It looks good in an election speech, but these cuts are insignificant and deprive the State of revenue which, as you say, can be used to repair what needs to be repaired and provide the population with better services.

Michael Desrosiers


You are absolutely right, Grammond. Tax cuts are measures that create inflation as the Bank of Canada raises rates to slow it down. When votes, votes and votes are the one and only obsession of political parties without thinking about the long-term consequences, you get these kinds of contradictions.

Richard Monaco

Existing injustices

Let’s start by eliminating the existing injustices on current declarations: for tax relief, family income penalizes some taxpayers and benefits others; taxable benefit of premiums paid by the employer in a private drug insurance plan; equality of the dividend tax credit identical to that of the federal income tax return.

Daniel Therien

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