Make way for readers | “I use Anglicisms and I want to protect French”

The letter from student Mirabelle Leins commenting on the Quebec government’s recent advertisement on French prompted many comments. Here is an overview of the emails received.


Your reading of the advertisement was made with your prisms. That being said, language is a tool that should be a vehicle for a culture which, I hope, will remain Quebecois and francophone, but I note that the Anglicisms (Americanisms, one should say) that you use are only the reflection of the dominant culture and I named “the American steamroller”. I hope I’m not here to see the Louisianization of our culture.

Jean-Marc Joset

Bad target

Well done Mirabelle! Well said, I agree with you, me a baby boomer who thinks that the government is on the wrong target. It is enough to see reports on Quebeckers making careers elsewhere who, even after 10 years of exile, still express themselves in impeccable French without an accent in an English-speaking environment for the majority of them. Your Quebec approaches a multicultural face which in no way takes away the precedence of French. On the contrary, it is a richness to switch from one language to another for some, or quite simply to use a few Anglicisms. It is not a few English expressions in a conversation that determine the decline of French, one should not exaggerate all the same.

Lise St-Laurent

clear language

It is characteristic of youth to believe itself more intelligent than those who preceded it. Today, there are about ten English words (very different from Anglicisms) which integrate their vocabulary, eradicating at the same time their French equivalents, which will soon be forgotten. Tomorrow it will be fifty, and the day after tomorrow, a hundred or more English words. Their children will believe themselves as better than their parents and will gradually erase what remains of the language of their ancestors. Whether it takes 10, 50 or 100 years, the result will be the same and it will be the three or four little English words that Mme Links believed to be safe that will get the job done.

Andre Harvey

like gangrene

Anglicisms, when one claims to speak good French, is like gangrene: one day or another, it will eat away at us to such an extent that we will no longer recognize our language. But to read the words of the student who wrote the letter in The Press, it does not seem very serious. Error ! Don’t do like our cousins ​​in France who swap their language for Anglicisms. What linguistic shame! However, this young woman shows us that she knows how to handle our language well in writing. What great wealth! There is hope !

Jean-Claude Beaudry, Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts

Goal achieved

In my view, the simple purpose of this ad is to create awareness. This comment (and all the others!) clearly demonstrates that this has been achieved. Indifference would have been a failure.

Sylvain Tessier, Sainte-Émelie-de-l’Énergie

Aim straight

The recent Quebec government advertisement using certain Anglicisms in a documentary tone hit the nail on the head. Young people, who use this kind of language more and more, felt a little humiliated and even embarrassed that they were being caricatured in this way. Their languages ​​supposedly cool being taken over by the government flaunt all the ridiculousness and superficiality of this style. In fact, it’s no longer chill.

Lawrence Tremblay

Educate and value

Investing to educate and promote French is much more important than empty advertising messages that give the government a good conscience. Moreover, language is a fluid, permeable, dynamic means of communication that evolves with its time and its users. One could direct its evolution, but not direct or constrain it.

Guy Djandji

sneaky opponent

Ms. Leins, you are wrong. It starts with a word or two and ends with several words in the same sentence, like in Acadie where my mother was born. Acadians have to fight every day to keep their French, and Franco-Canadians are also struggling to keep their language. Assimilation is a sneaky adversary that gives no quarter. It seeps like a drop of water through a crack.

Roger Stevens

Lively and dynamic culture

I am a francophone boomer, parent of young women aged 18 and 19. First, to tell you that I loved the ad evoking animal documentaries and featuring the peregrine falcon. A little humor in this murky world is good. Next, to tell you that my daughters use these terms regularly and that I don’t mind. But I insist that they write their French flawlessly and that they can have a lively conversation, without Anglicism. Yes, the protection of French is an everyday fight and it starts at home. But culture is a living and dynamic thing. What would we be without our joual and without Elvis Gratton?

Claude Reeves

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