Make way for readers | Drink less? Not so fast…

Six or more drinks of alcohol per week pose “high” health risks, according to the latest report from the Canadian Center on Substance Use and Addiction. Drink less to comply with the new recommendations? It is not unanimous among the readers of The Press.

Posted at 5:00 a.m.

Delphine Belzile

Delphine Belzile
The Press

For moderation

No, I will not change my habits. I’m going to stick to moderate drinking and try not to drink on weekdays. A glass of wine brings me good to morale and it is an opportunity to socialize with friends.

Brigitte Lavoie

A supplement to the meal

I am a healthy 69 year old male. I am a regular wine drinker (two to three glasses daily with the evening meal). I consider wine as a food product, complementary to the meal. I am aware that my consumption exceeds the recommendations of the authorities. That said, I am sensitive to said recommendations. I “watch” myself so as not to increase my consumption.

Pierre Lafontaine

A guilty pleasure

This is too harsh a recommendation. I drink one to two glasses of red wine a day, five days a week at most, for pleasure and relaxation. It’s a small happiness that surely has an impact on mental and physical health, which is difficult to quantify.

Roger Roy

Difficult to change course

Impossible for me. It is deeply rooted in my habits, my way of life and my socialization. However, I have been making efforts for some time to drop the last drink I would have taken.

Stephane Lalonde

alcohol daily

This new recommendation makes me think about my consumption, namely how many glasses I consume per week (maybe eight and more). This poses an increased risk to my health. I plan to watch my intake and reduce to five drinks. It will require a lot of discipline, it’s a change of habit. This is not good news, because I like wine, especially with a good meal!

Johanne Cote

Health first

I drank a lot and I stopped drinking in 2019. Since then, my health is much better and my intellect too! I believe that one drink a day can be harmful. I also think people drink too much though most say they drink sensibly. With the years of binge drinking I’ve had, I hope I’ll be fine. I am happy with this new study for our young people!

Annie Dulude

Case by case

I heard somewhere that “moderation tastes much better”. Personally, I don’t like the effect of alcohol, so I only drink one or two drinks a day. I never restrict myself to drink, but it’s rather rare that I can drink more than three days a week. So for me, it’s not a problem, while understanding that for some, it may be the case.

Jean-Marc Juneau

Low consumption

I currently drink three glasses of red wine a week, sometimes not at all! Obviously, with the results of this study, I will certainly reduce my consumption even if it is already relatively low. A serious awareness will be necessary concerning the place that we give to alcohol in our daily life.

Josee Graveline

The road to sobriety

I am part of a community of sober people and we are happy to see these new recommendations, because we witness daily the devastating effects of alcohol, which causes a lot of suffering. Alcohol consumption is widely trivialized and encouraged. This substance is insidious. I respect all those who consume it, in small or large quantities. For my part, I will ignore these new recommendations and continue my journey on the path to sobriety.

Jessica Lapierre

Pleasure without alcohol

My husband and I quit drinking four months ago. We realized that a bottle of wine for two a night was too much. The objective was three months without alcohol… We continue our life without alcohol. We feel healthier than ever: full of energy, enthusiasm and, above all, a great pleasure in life. We discovered a lot of non-alcoholic products, the Quebec market being already very specialized.

Kamila Holikova

Avoid addiction

Having an excessive consumption of one liter of wine per day, I consulted several articles dealing with the subject in the last year. Knowing that I am dependent and unable to manage my consumption, alcohol is not for me. For those who have one or two drinks during a meal with family or friends on occasion, this seems acceptable as long as this consumption is the exception. Already, one or two drinks a day for women seems way too much. It’s easy to become addicted when alcohol is part of a daily ritual.

Nicole Bouffard

Responses have been lightly edited for clarity and conciseness.

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