Make way for readers | A desirable bend… in the center

Our call for all to form a centre-right coalition elicited hundreds of diverse responses from you. Here is an overview.

Posted at 4:00 p.m.

Time for a revival

I am an ex-déquiste who was described as the left fringe of the party, candidate for elections three times, spokesperson for the environmental file, member of the executive of the party for six years and VP for two years. I retired from politics in 2006, but I will be back in the arena tomorrow if this party sees the light of day.

I can’t stand our prime minister’s softness any longer. Failures in the process of repatriating Afghan interpreters and issuing passports, to name a few, would not have been tolerated for very long by François Legault. Also, this genetic centralizing mania of the Trudeaus, up to the centralization of powers in the office of the Prime Minister, makes him incapable of changing the federation, even on things as simple as a single tax form. Finally, I fully agree with most of the aid programs that have been put in place, but Mr. Trudeau is incapable of planning a return to a minimum of economic rigor.

The option on the right is a farce if Mr. Poilievre is elected, but whatever happens to the leadership race, the Conservatives will always be plagued by two movements with no political future in Canada: the religious right and its desire to reopen the debate on abortion, and junkies oil for whom the fight against climate change would hurt as much as cold weaning.

It is high time for political renewal in Canada.

Christian de Serres

Tired of extremes

An alliance between socially responsible conservatives and fiscally responsible liberals? Why not ? I am tired of seeing the extremes take over mainstream parties with their threat not to vote for them, causing their downfall. How can Poilievre still be in the race after the fall of bitcoin, which he supported so much, if only by extremists? We cannot live with continuous deficits either without mortgaging our children’s future.

Paul MacNeil

able to govern

If Mr. Poilievre ever wins the race for the leadership of the Conservative Party, it will become necessary and urgent to put together a Liberal-Conservative coalition party that will sit in the middle. How can we maintain a healthy democracy if we do not have at least two national parties capable of governing? Pierre Poilievre’s political arguments that do not hold water and the tone and manner, modeled on the style of Donald Trump, would downgrade the Conservative Party at the national level, creating a vacuum on the political spectrum and clearing the way for the creation of a new party closer to the values, aspirations and concerns of Canadians. It would become absolutely necessary.

Pierre Dupuis

Progressive, but cautious

It’s the only option. The current Conservative Party of Canada is going straight into a wall. Charest has no time to waste rebuilding and unifying the members of a finished party. Even Brian Mulroney no longer recognizes himself in this party. So what ? Offer Canadians a credible, progressive, but financially prudent, and reassuring alternative to the Liberal Party, which remains relatively popular despite everything in the current context. Jean Charest, an experienced and intelligent character, will know how to do it, quickly, while perfecting his current political program to integrate it into the heart of this new party. He can be the leader, or find the one who will take charge. It would be an important political legacy offered by Mr. Charest to the citizens of this country who are sorry for this miserable campaign for the leadership of what was once a respectable party.


It’s up to the Conservatives to elect the “right” leader

Canadians do not need another party of the type: a coalition for the future of the country, and especially not under the tutelage of Mr. Charest…, because that would be the beginning of the beginning of the end, it would be more wise and prudent that the conservatives choose a leader who could unite them and not divide them… But WHO?

Daniel Dufour

The center moved to the left

The right (which often has good points when it comes to downsizing) is so off track with climate change and its systematic refusal to recognize the urgency of the situation that it is they who are moving towards the extreme right. In fact, I consider that the center moves to the left. Équiterre, the David Suzuki Foundation are no longer part of the far left at all, their movement is even to the right of what is required by the scientists of the IPCC. Extinction Rebellion now simply navigates left. So the center is moving away from this wild capitalist right which only thinks in the short term and to extract the most resources from the planet without regard for future generations.

Louka Methot

The public service must adapt

No. The Liberal-NDP are fine, despite the wanderings at the passport office and the mismanagement of the airports. The federal public service needs to better adapt to working from home, nothing more.

Bernard Lupian

Subscribers to Minority Governments

I believe that with the arrival of Mr. Poilievre at the head of the Conservatives, Canada will elect minority governments for several years. I don’t see Quebecers voting for a party with an extreme right-wing leader who wants to fire the governor of the Bank of Canada and who supports the freedom convoy. Western Canada will rally behind him. But where he could win his elections, in Ontario and Quebec, it will be very difficult. A new party will win over disappointed Canadians, but will win over even more minority governments. It will still take alliances to govern.

Serge Leduc, Pincourt

Yes, with a leading candidate

Yes, there is room for a player at the center of the Canadian political spectrum. The CAQ proves it after all. Is Jean Charest the man for the job? I doubt. It will take a unifying candidate, bearer of a common project and renewal as much for an Albertan, a Quebecer and a Newfoundlander. We must drop the clientelism that is currently at play. A communicator, someone who will be able to reconcile the interests of each province and each territory.

Marc Ladurantaye, Val-d’Or

For a real conservative opposition

I am not conservative at all, but on the other hand, I believe that a conservative opposition is absolutely necessary for the health of our democracy. I sincerely hope that the conservative movement in the country will refocus and abandon the extreme right tendency which does not bode well. Is it possible for the conservatives to create a new party, or can they repel the extremists of their party, we will have an idea on September 10th.

Lucie Allaire

No thanks !

What I still believe and have always believed is that Canada is not made for us, Quebecers. Choosing between Trudeau, Poilievre or Charest? Really ! No thanks.

Francois Labbe, Sherbrooke

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