make-up, long and blond hair, the unpublished photo of a return alongside Francis Lalanne who wants to be sensational!

Sentenced several times for racist insults and negationist or anti-Semitic remarks, Dieudonné finally made his my culpa. On January 9, 2023, the comedian indeed presented a letter of apology published on the site of the Franco-Israeli magazine Israel Magazine. Thus, the actor renowned for his controversial shows admitted having been able to “offend, shock, hurt” his “compatriots of the Jewish community, with whom I humbly admit having let myself go into the game of one-upmanship” by what he calls his “artistic gesticulations”.

“For all these faults and excesses, I ask forgiveness. My ambition was to make everyone laugh, and the Jewish community is part of my world,” Dieudonné continued. Public apologies made possible thanks to Francis Lalanne. Indeed, according to André Darmon, the editor-in-chief of this magazine which claims to defend “the values ​​of the State of Israel, Zionism and Judaism”, it was Francis Lalanne who made the link between them.

Invited on the set of “Chez Jordan” this Monday, February 6, 2023, the singer also returned to the Dieudonne mea culpa : “I said things about him that I regretted about him, I blamed myself! I called Dieudonné, and I told him that I was sorry, Dieudonné accepted my forgiveness, he was hurt by my words, he has the right to ask for forgiveness, I have become his friend! “, he informed Jordan De Luxe before specifying that “the forgiveness of Dieudonné was sincere” and that he was “not an anti-Semite”.

A show for two

With this new rebuilt friendship, Francis Lalanne concluded the interview by revealing a huge scoop. Indeed, the latter has made it known that he intends to end his career after a last show in the company of… Dieudonné:“It’s going to be called the crazy cage!” The public will find the truth! It dates from the day before yesterday! I’m going to work with a great artist! I wanted to say goodbye to the music hall, I’m going to finish my career as I had dreamed of finishing it! I don’t have to justify myself, I’m tired, I’m fighting against windmills! Everything people say about Dieudonné are lies! », he hammered. A poster has already seen the light of day… On the poster, Francis Lalanne is disguised as a clown while Dieudonné wears a blonde wig and pink lipstick.

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