Make Quebec “one of the greenest countries in the world”, proposes Quebec solidaire

Quebec solidaire (QS) insisted on the importance of operating a “change of era” focused on the green, Sunday morning, by starting its electoral campaign in Sherbrooke.

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“The choice of this election is clearer than ever. It is to continue or it is to change era”, exclaimed the co-spokesperson of the party, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, taking up the slogan of the CAQ, “let us continue”.

The parliamentary leader of QS spoke of the “crises” in the cost of living, in the health system and in the environment.

“Legault manages these crises as we have managed for 25 years. He manages these crises like we manage potholes in Quebec: he patches holes. We’ve been patching holes in Quebec for too long. It can no longer continue like this,” denounced Mr. Nadeau-Dubois, insisting particularly on the issue of the environment.

“The next mandate is the mandate of the last chance to fight against climate change […]. Priority number 1 must be the health of people and the environment,” proclaimed the spokesperson for QS, which aims to make Quebec “one of the greenest countries in the world.”

His colleague Manon Massé, for her part, called on young people under 34 to go and vote. “Don’t let your future be dictated by François Legault,” she said.

“If there is one person in Quebec who is capable of beating François Legault, it is Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois,” she added.

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