Make a dessert with 2 times nothing? Aurélie Thérond, cook teaches us to make up for all the shortcomings

We know the 4 basic ingredients of pastry: eggs, butter, sugar, flour but how to make a cake if one is missing?

Cook and author, Aurélie Thérond campaigns for an inventive and healthy cuisine, which respects sustainable development, avoiding the waste of foodstuffs.

After the publication of 3 anti-food waste recipe books, Aurélie Thérond has just published “I want to bake a cake but I don’t have…”.

To compensate for the lack of an ingredient that seems essential to us for making a dessert or to satisfy the greediness of those intolerant to gluten, lactose or eggs, Aurélie gives us all her secrets and tips to delight everyone. It’s magic!

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