Major fire in Old Montreal: at least six people are missing

At least six people are still missing after a building in Old Montreal, which housed Airbnb short-term rental accommodation, was ravaged by flames on Thursday, the City of Montreal police confirmed on Saturday. Montreal (SPVM).

• Read also: Major fire in Old Montreal: a woman is missing, smoke alarms possibly missing

The victims who could still be in the rubble were possibly renting accommodation through Airbnb, according to information from the Journal.

The investigation was transferred to the arson section of the SPVM. However, firefighters from the Montreal Fire Department (SIM) will continue to assist the SPVM in the search.

“We also worked with our cyber investigation support teams to do the social media checks,” said Steve Belzil, SPVM arson commander.

For the moment, searches are not possible since the building must be secured. However, the SPVM called in specialized intervention teams who took images with a drone to allow the police to begin their investigation, explained Mr. Belzil.

Initially, one person was missing and nine people were injured. Among them, two are still hospitalized at the burns center.

“For families looking for people, we ask them to contact the SPVM at 514 280 2222 or go to a neighborhood station,” detailed Martin Guilbault, division manager of the SIM.

Cause of fire still unknown

As the search inside the building has not yet begun, it is impossible to know the cause of the fire.

“Currently, we are not talking about arson. Basically, it was transferred because we have reason to believe that there are victims, deaths, “said Commander Belzil.

During the weekend, the SIM will try to secure the building to allow the workers to do their work, but also with a view to preserving the heritage building.

source site-64