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The strike at the nuclear power plants is gaining momentum. The structure of Gravelines, the largest in France located in the North, is in turn affected. So much so that EDF postpones the restart of five reactors as winter approaches.
In parallel with the strike in the refineries, that in the nuclear power plants spreads, Saturday, October 15. Strikers target repairs. “We will delay maintenance activities on shutdown reactors, which means a potential ignition delay which is expected at the end of the year“, explains Frank RedondoFO secretary of the CSE Centrale de Gravelines (North).
Of the 25 reactors under maintenance, the schedule is already set for five of them, with a three-week delay for some Site (s. With the strike, EDF admits that the delays are likely to increase, because the deadlines were already tight. Result : power plants might not be operational on time this winter. The unions, which are demanding a 5% salary increase, assume their strategy. Negotiations will continue next week.