mailboxes to free children to speak out about school bullying



Video duration:
5 min

School harassment: mailboxes to free speech

The Papillons association installs mailboxes in schools, so that students can denounce the violence they experience. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – L. Nahon, F. Blévis, M. Dumas, S. Gravelaine

France Televisions

The Papillons association installs mailboxes in schools, so that students can denounce the violence they experience.

The Papillons association collects words in its mailbox from children who are victims of school bullying. Since the start of the school year, a box has been in a primary school in Saint-Clément (Yonne). Discreetly, each student can come and leave a message there. Physical, moral, sexual violence… Children can deal with everything, in addition to school bullying. The representative of the Papillons association visits the school classes to present the mailbox. This was installed in the school at the request of the mayor.

160 mailboxes in France

Listening directly to the people we wish to protect (…) was the element of choice”, explains Gilles Pirman, mayor of Saint-Clément. In another mailbox of the association, Léa, 10 years old, left her mail. She describes the physical attacks she suffered, as well as the insults and cyberharassment. After this letter, the association reacted and alerted the mayor and the school, which reassured Léa. The Papillons are fighting to obtain approval in order to generalize the system. For the moment, 160 mailboxes are installed in France.

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