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While the thermometer exceeded 30 degrees on Wednesday August 24, we must take care of the health of the most fragile, such as the elderly. During each heat wave, postmen watch over seniors by visiting them daily as part of a system in place. Example at Hageneauin Alsace.
To Haguenau (Bas-Rhin)Magdalen Werleletter carrier, not only delivers mail, but also attention. Susanna Loyal92, lives alone in her house. She is one of ten elderly and isolated people that the letter carrier will visit. Together they discuss ‘”A little bit of everything”. The mail carrier explains: “I’m here to help her. This pleases me.“
While visiting a couple in their eighties, she realizes that the woman does not hear her, unlike yesterday, so the letter carrier will report this problem on her way home. “That we are taken care of to see if everything is fine, that’s good“, reports Robert Haag95 years old. Upon her return, Madeleine Werle therefore makes a return of his visits, especially in the event of a problem. The device, unique in Alsace, is activated during alerts heat waves and concerns about fifty elderly people identified by the city of Haguenau.