Maïa Mazaurette (Daily) “not pretty enough”: her “a little humiliating” debut

Monday, March 7, 2022, Maia Mazaurette was featured on the show Buzz-TVof TV Magazineas part of the promotion of his documentary Desire, what women want, broadcast this Tuesday on TMC. The columnist of Day-to-day remembered in particular her beginnings in the profession, which were not easy.

She is one of the specialists in sexuality in France. Yann Barthès therefore wanted to integrate him into his team on his TMC show Day-to-day. Maïa Mazaurette also has the pleasure of being a columnist for the newspaper The world and on the France Inter program Good for you. If she is in the spotlight today, the 43-year-old woman, who is the author of several books, has long evolved in the shadows despite herself. In her early days, she was indeed put in the way because she was judged “not pretty enough“to be on the air.

At first, when I started, I was told a lot that I wouldn’t be pretty enough to do this job.“, she said. It was explained to her that people must want her, given the subject she was talking about. But Maïa Mazaurette was still in demand, her writing being very much appreciated. “I was asked to write texts for girls prettier than me. And make them repeat more. It was a little humiliating“, she regretted with TV Magazine. This request came from a media boss for program pilots. She was also told that she was not “not good enoughto go on TV.

Fortunately, Maïa Mazaurette has since taken a nice revenge since she caused a sensation on television, in Yann Barthès’ show, with her chronicle on sexuality. But last February, it was for a call for help on the air that she made people talk. The columnist had explained that her dad Olivier, suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, was missing. “He has been missing for five hours now in Berlin (Mitte district). He wears some sort of burgundy bomber jacket. The police and the embassy are notified. He has no money, papers or telephone. (…) If you see him, contact me (or call the police)“, she had launched. Fortunately, he was found as she had announced the next day.

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