magistrates in the street to protest against their working conditions


Article written by

H. Puffeney, O. Martin, N. Auer, T. Simonet, F. Dumont – France 2

France Televisions

Night sessions in the courts, thousands of cases that accumulate or victims who wait years for their attacker to be tried: it is for these reasons that the magistrates and lawyers demonstrated, Wednesday, December 15.

Magistrates and lawyers marched on Wednesday, December 15, to protest against a justice they say sick. In Lyon (Rhône), the demonstrators denounced the delays which accumulate for the relatives of the daily newspaper, traffic offenses or the violence. “Currently when a case is ready to be presented to the magistrate for him to judge, we cannot fix it before March 2023”, indicates Anne Wyon, first president of the Court of Appeal of Lyon.

Mistakes for lack of time

Trials are sometimes postponed until the day of the hearing. “We are going to look at the cases that we are able to deal with and which are the most urgent (…) and which ones will have to be sent back, because the hearing time is not sufficient to be able to do everything. absorb”, explains Laetitia Francart, prosecutor of Villefranche-sur-Saône (Rhône). In the Paris region too, the proceedings drag on, and the judicial staff say they are overwhelmed. Some say they make mistakes due to lack of time, or they can no longer investigate certain cases.


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