Magdalena Andersson is elected head of government and becomes the first woman to lead the Nordic kingdom

Until now Minister of Finance of the resigned Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, she succeeds him thanks to a vote of deputies.

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Sweden has a new Prime Minister. Social Democrat leader Magdalena Andersson was elected head of government by the Swedish parliament on Wednesday 24 November, becoming the first woman to lead the Nordic kingdom, after several days of difficult negotiations.

Until now Minister of Finance of the resigned Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, she succeeds him thanks to a vote of deputies with 117 votes in favor, 57 abstentions and 174 against. In Sweden, a government is “pass” as long as an absolute majority of 175 deputies does not vote its censure.

In extremis, this 54-year-old economist and former high-level swimmer landed an agreement with the Left Party on Tuesday evening, the last support she lacked to take power. Visibly moved, she got up to the applause of her camp to be handed her charge by the president of the Riksdag.

The succession to the head of Sweden comes less than a year from the legislative elections of September 2022 which promise to be tight. Worn out by seven years in power and weakened by a political crisis at the beginning of the summer, Stefan Löfven had announced in August that he would resign in November.

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