Magali Berdah “in the face of extreme violence”: her daughters forced to be placed under protection

For a while now, Magali Berdah managed to make a name for itself in the audiovisual sector. A true patroness of influence thanks to her agency Shauna Events, she is now turning to animation on YouTube, where she goes so far as to deal with political subjects. It is therefore impossible to miss the Magali Berdah phenomenon. But such a presence in the media has its limits. Magali Berdah must in particular accept being the target of critical food and even threatening messages.

Yes of course, that’s normal. It’s sad to say that but it’s normal because when you live on social networks, when you create a business, an economy, you are criticized. When you’re a woman and a mom too, when you have a certain life, there’s a problem. And then on social media, as it’s anonymous, you face extreme violence and threats but that’s how it is, it’s part of my life now“, she confided to Jordan de Luxe in her show The Luxury Moment 2.0 in partnership with

If Magali Berdah fully assumes the consequences of her notoriety, she is much more concerned when it comes to her three daughters, Shauna, Victoria and Shelly (born from an ex-union). And for good reason, one of them, the eldest of 14 years, has for example already been the victim of harassment, so much so that she ended up being out of school. Thus, Magali Berdah made a big decision to protect her children at all times. “We have security guards“, she revealed. When the host asked her if these agents accompanied them all year round and 24 hours a day, Magali Berdah nodded to confirm.

According to her, this measure is necessary in France where insecurity is greater than in Dubai where she thought of settling for a while. “I made the choice to stay in France with everything that happened last year (the murder of his sister-in-law, editor’s note), we said to ourselves that we could not leave the country. We no longer felt like we were far away. But by staying here, it adds the problem of security because in Dubai it’s super secure“, she pointed out.

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