Magali Berdah and the murder of her sister-in-law: new revelations and a long awaited procedure

Magali Berdah experienced a real nightmare at the end of 2021. On October 10, firefighters from Bouches-du-Rhône were called to intervene in an apartment in the region. On the spot, they discovered the lifeless bodies of a couple. It was the sister-in-law of Magali Berdah and the companion of the deceased. The victims were first found by the couple’s daughters who worried that they had not heard from them. According to the first information relayed afterwards, they received several stab wounds.

Naturally, Magali Berdah and her companion Stéphane Teboul, who is none other than the murdered woman’s brotherhave been “shocked“on hearing the news. They are now immersed in the investigation and hope to see the murderer, who could be a neighbor, convicted.”He was incarcerated. We don’t have the reasons yet. It wasn’t a settling of accounts“, had confided the boss of Shauna Events. Magali Berdah and her entourage will have to be patient. Indeed, she already knows that the conclusion of the investigation will only occur in a few years, despite the noose that is tightening around of the main suspect.

He asked for a psychiatric report… I think he understood that the results of the DNA analysis would soon speak… My companion Stéphane has just been heard by the examining magistrate, but there should still be at least three years of proceedings“, she announced in the pages of the new issue of Closer, published this Friday, February 18, 2022.

While waiting for the outcome of this terrible affair, Magali Berdah tries as best she can to resume the course of her life, while taking care of her family. “My sister-in-law was murdered for free and unfortunately, today she leaves three daughters behind her. Of course we’ll take care of that. Now we will see life differently and move forward differently. With Stéphane and our family, we are more united than ever. We’ll move on with this and we’ll try to make things happen“, she had declared on her social networks.

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