Madonna furious against 50 cent: “You should apologize for your misogynistic behavior”

You didn’t hurt my feelings, because I didn’t take it personally. I could never take it personally cause you ain’t from a lighted place“, she continues. And to conclude, not without hindsight:”I mean, I just want to say, I forgive you. I hope that one day you wake up and see things from a different point of view. I wish you the best. “

A lesson in humility, done in due form, which is not the latest. Last November, Madonna had already shared a rant on the Web following the censorship of several of her photos. “Four decades of censorship, sexism, age discrimination and misogyny “, had denounced the queen of the provocation, before continuing, revolted: “I’m reposting photos Instagram deleted without warning or notification. They explained to my management who does not manage my account that a small piece of my nipple was visible. I still find it amazing that our culture tolerates every inch of a woman’s body being exposed, except for a nipple. As if it were the only part of the female body that can be sexualized. “

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