Madison Cawthorn scandal: Naughty and embarrassing messages with her colleague revealed!

In the midst of a scandal, the young elected to the United States House of Representatives Madison Cawthorn (26) is the subject of attacks on his behavior and his relationship with one of his employees, Stephen Smith; an ethical complaint launched by the political organization “Fire Madison Cawthorn”. the DailyMail released a video that is part of the prosecution case, showing the two collaborators in a car, making sexual allusions and touching the crotch. But that’s not all, notes accompanying their expenses for work have also been revealed by the British site: suggestive messages that accompany their expense reports.

In a history of payments for her political profession via the Venmo application and which is part of the complaint of the political association, Madison Cawthorn added naughty notes. One of the payments dates back to 2018 and states: “Ready to be naked in Sweden.” Even more scandalous, he signed one, in June 2021: “For the quickie at the airport.“Four days later, he will write:”To love me night and day.“It is impossible to know if these annotations were only jokes but they were made within the framework of the work. In another note which he wrote at the same time, one can read: “The stuff we did in Amsterdam.“Or again, in December,”naked pictures“.

In addition to these comments, there is talk of thousands of dollars in loans and gifts for Smith. According to the investigation in which there are sexy posts on social networks, the latter has an inappropriate relationship with Madison Cawthorn, since they work together. The man would have even accompanied the representative of North Carolina during his honeymoon in Dubai with Cristina Bayardelle, assistant anesthetist with whom he divorced eight months after their marriage in April 2021. According to the investigation of the DailyMailthe two twenty-somethings live together.

Criticized by the Democrats, Madison Cawthorn, paraplegic since an accident in 2014 in which Donald Trump saw a bright future, is also frowned upon in his own Republican camp where his advantageous physique is no longer enough for his popularity. Ultra conservative, very religious, pro-life, misogynist, masculinist and conspiratorial, he had been photographed at a party, wearing women’s underwear. He had justified himself by saying that this photo dated back to before he was in the House of Representatives. The young man had also provoked the anger of his camp by claiming that he had been invited to orgies between deputies where drugs are consumed happily. Remarks on which he returned, saying that he had somewhat exaggerated.

If Madison Cawthorn is completely free to choose in his private life, he was ironically the first to judge his neighbor. From now on, he is shocking for his behavior and the use of the money from his position as an elected representative of the United States Congress. Will this case sign the end of his career as dazzling as it is ephemeral?

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