Made ìn Elsàss, the new album of the group Schnapps

One year after “Sex, Schnàpps & Rock’n’roll”, its first CD released only a year ago, the Alsacian-funny rock group from Alsace du Nord Schnàpps publishes its second album with no less than 13 original songs and unpublished.

It’s Made in Elsàss, a very rock sound full of energy. It’s modern, funny, sometimes squeaky. The whole album tells us about Alsace, with guests: Marcel Loeffler twirls his accordion in a muscular adaptation of the Alsatian classic: Elsàsslìed, Vincent Bidal joins the group on slow rock: Dü bìsch wie Konfitür, Serge Rieger a writes the sympathetically mocking text of Ich brüch e Misenplis and Les Assoiffés give voice to Gìb Gùmmi…

Made ìn Elsàss, the new album by Schnapps, 100% rock, 100% Elsàss. For all information and orders, visit

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