Madagascar: two suspects arrested, the leader of the criminals on the run

The gendarmes of Ankazobe are tirelessly looking for the chief of the dahalo and his brother. The two men lead the gangs of criminals that roam the region. They are the main suspects of the massacre, Friday morning, in Ambolotarakely. A massacre in which 32 villagers died, including 15 children.

Since Monday, the gendarmes and the inhabitants of the villages near Ambolotarakely, a hamlet where thirty-two villagers including children were massacred, have been distributing wanted notices. On these leaflets, two faces, the chief of the dahalo of the sector and his brother, tells us L’Express de Madagascar. These two men are the main suspects in the terrible tragedy that has rocked the Big Island.

Soldiers are investigating day and night. These light and armed teams check all possible leads and search the places where the dahalo have been seen. Investigators also searched the boxes of the relatives of the alleged murderers. They seized all the discovered amulets and weapons.

The Minister of Defence, General Richard Rakotonirina, made the move. He confides to Midi-Madagascar: “People here have experienced a real tragedy, many lives have been lost. 32 people died. It is a crime perpetrated by ruthless dahalo who burned them alive, even the women and children.”

The criminals ripped off the roofs and ceilings of houses in the village. When they discovered that the seven families of the town had taken refuge in the attic of a building, they set it on fire. The victims died of asphyxiation, burned alive or were murdered while trying to leave the scene.

Today, the village is deserted and no one wants to settle there.

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