Madagascar: the bus ticket increases and goes to 600 ariary

Following the surge in fuel prices at the pump, the leaders of the Transport Associations negotiated, on Monday, future increases in bus tickets. They will be limited to 100 Ar in the capital and 600 Ar for the suburbs. Prices that can still move, if diesel or gasoline rise again.

The rise in diesel and unleaded prices has direct consequences on the price of invoices for deliveries, but also on public transport. Failing to be able to convince fuel importers to reduce, “the painful”, the Malagasy government discussed, as of Monday, possible measures for theUnion of Urban Transport Cooperatives (UCTU) and those of the Union of Suburban Transport Cooperatives (UCTS), tells us.

These positive exchanges, which began this weekend, made it possible to limit the rise in prices. It is 100 Ar for the lines of the capital. The ticket will therefore now cost 600 Ar (0.15 €), specifies Madagascar-Tribune. To cushion this shock, the government has undertaken to forget the VAT for these professionals. The presidency is also negotiating with Turkey for the purchase of new, more ecological and less greedy buses, writes Midi-Madagascar. These coaches will be intended for companies serving the suburbs and outlying areas.

On Monday, the liter of diesel increased by 1,500 Ar and the liter of unleaded by 1,800 Ar. From now on, they are displayed, respectively at 4,900 and 5,900 Ar, i.e. in euros €1.19 per liter of Diesel and €1.43 for a liter of petrol.

Seen from Reunion, this price is affordable, but that is without taking into account the difference in purchasing power between our countries.

Comparison, is not right! However, by carrying out a quick equation, which takes into account the average salaries in France and Mada, the price of a liter of diesel would have to be sold at €43.04 and unleaded at €53.99 to understand the impact of this increase on our lives.

source site-28