Macronist loyalist MP Nicolas Metzdorf announces that he will “vote for censure of the government”

“In the face of violence, Michel Barnier is pushing back democracy, it’s a shame for the Republic,” criticized this deputy from New Caledonia on Wednesday on franceinfo. The day before, Michel Barnier announced that the reform aimed at expanding the electorate would be abandoned.


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Nicolas Metzdorf, loyalist deputy from New Caledonia (Together for the Republic), on July 2, 2024 in Nouméa (New Caledonia). (DELPHINE MAYEUR / AFP)

“I had Emmanuel Macron last night (Tuesday) after the general policy declaration and I told him that I was going to vote for the censure of the Michel Barnier government”assured the loyalist deputy of New Caledonia Nicolas Metzdorf (Together for the Republic) on Wednesday October 2 on franceinfo, after the announcements of Michel Barnier during his general policy declaration concerning New Caledonia.

The Prime Minister assured that the reform aimed at expanding the electoral body, which had set fire to the powder in the archipelago, would be abandoned and that the local elections would be postponed. A reform project, led by Emmanuel Macron and Gérald Darmanin, which led to the worst riots in 40 years in New Caledonia starting in May, leaving 13 dead, including two gendarmes. “I found a president surprised by Michel Barnier’s announcement”, confided the loyalist MP, also rapporteur of the bill on unfreezing the electorate.

For Nicolas Metzdorf, “It is an insult to all Caledonians who, for four months, have suffered attacks, violence, looting, houses burned, businesses burned and who have resisted to obtain the right to vote in their country”. “In the face of violence, Michel Barnier is pushing back democracy, it’s a shame for the Republic,” he criticized. “To calm things down, we agree with those who break things and those who loot”pressed the Caledonian elected official. “The message is: ‘Continue to break, continue to pillage, you are right, you are forcing the State to bend'”, he shouted.

Nicolas Metzdorf believes that the Prime Minister’s speech is “disconnected”and that the head of government did not take the measure “the seriousness of the situation”. “There are Caledonians who do not have enough to eat because of the riots”according to him.

“He announced that he was not going to give the right to vote to Caledonians but he had no words for all those who had lost everything, no words for the victims of the abuses.”

Nicolas Metzdorf, loyalist MP from New Caledonia

on franceinfo

A “consultation and dialogue mission” led by the presidents of the National Assembly and the Senate, Yaël Braun-Pivet and Gérard Larcher, must visit “shortly” on site, Michel Barnier also announced. For the elected loyalist, it is a “umpteenth consultation”. “We’ve been talking for four years”he quipped. Between local elected officials, divided between loyalists and moderates on one side and separatists on the other, “there is no common ground”, he assured. “There are separatists who participated in burning everything in New Caledonia, who are applauded in the hemicycle of the National Assemblyhe castigated. The moderates who did not come, who are trying to rebuild things by trying to explain to their electorate that the thawing of the electorate is something democratic, we don’t talk about it.he added.

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