The consultations around the immigration bill will soon begin, and the left wing of the majority will be very attentive to it.
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After a roller coaster ride (a text pushed back, then sliced up, almost abandoned, then back), it’s time to get down to business: consultations with the aim of arriving at a text ideally rewritten at four hands with those of the LR and more if affinities, with the Liot, the ecologists and the socialists. And in this context, the most left-wing of the majority intend to add their two cents, by monitoring these discussions like the milk on the fire to preserve the balance of the initial text and avoid seeing the security aspect – such as the expulsion of foreign delinquents – take precedence over the social aspect of the text: the regularization of workers in shortage occupations.
According to information from franceinfo, the president of the law commission of the Assembly Sacha Houlié, figure of the left wing of the majority, intends to sit at the negotiating table, even if it means hitting the LRs.
>>> Immigration: the unity of the majority will be the “compass” of the executive, warns Elisabeth Borne
Annoying vigilance
Some deputies say they are tired of witnessing this arm wrestling between the left and the right of the macronie in the most sensitive moments. A first-time walker can no longer bear the maneuvers of some to “to exist politically”. “So we can flyhe said, the right wing and the left wing must be connected to a spinal column”. Column that really needs a corset after the retirement episode!
The leaders of the majority are in unison: they want a “balanced and above all achievable text”. One of them reveals to franceinfo the three scenarios recorded during a breakfast in matignon on Tuesday May 16, with a view to consultations. The first: modify the initial text to reach an agreement with the LRs. The second: impose the original version on parliament to put the LRs in the face of their contradictions. And the third: starting from the text of the LRs and watering it down. It is a red line, for a member of the left wing, at the risk of triggering a sling and a vote against in the ranks of the majority … which is only relative, it must be remembered.