Macron wants to generalize “in the coming months” the approach tested in 59 establishments in Marseille

Criticized by the unions, this experiment allows school principals in particular to participate in the recruitment of their teaching staff.

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Emmanuel Macron wishes to generalize everywhere on the territory “the school of the future” “in the coming months”he announced Thursday, June 2, during a trip with the Minister of National Education, Pap Ndiaye, in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhone). With this project, the Elysée wants to provide resources and ensure “more pedagogical freedom for teachers”explained the president, during a visit to the Menpenti school in Marseille.

“The school of the future” should allow establishments to finance an innovative project around culture, languages, the environment or science. In this context, school principals can participate in the recruitment of their teaching staff. VSThis experiment is sharply criticized by the teachers’ unions, which demand above all a “roadmap” for the start of the school year. They are also worried about a possible two-speed school between those with additional projects and budgets and the others. Above all, they call for sustainable means everywhere and warn about an extension of this approach.

At the Menpenti school, one of 59 establishments in Marseille selected for this experiment, the math lab must provide students with “a genuine activity of research and experimentation” relying on the “digital tools, manipulation and play”according to an internal document that AFP was able to consult.

The Head of State had launched the idea of ​​a “school of the future” in September 2021. He then presented more broadly the emergency plan “Marseille en grand”, intended to help the second city of France, where the rate poverty exceeds 50% in some neighborhoods, to catch up. Of the 2.5 million euros in the overall budget planned, 360,000 euros have already been committed, said Christian Abrard, prefect in charge of the educational component of “Marseille en grand”.

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