Macron targets Mélenchon at the dawn of legislative elections in France

On D-4 of the first round of the legislative elections in France, President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday targeted the leader of the radical left, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, denouncing “a project of bans and taxation”.

Rather in the background since his re-election on April 24, President Macron has stepped up to the plate in the face of the rise of Mr. Mélenchon and his alliance of parties from the French left which could prevent him from having an absolute majority in the next National Assembly.

He went to the Paris region, to Clichy-sous-Bois, land favorable to Mr. Mélenchon, where he castigated during a walkabout his opponent’s project and assured that the country “needed stability and of ambition”.

“There are 35 times the forbidden word. Their project explains to people that they will be prohibited from cutting trees in their homes. There are 20 new taxations. It is not a good project for the country, ”launched Mr. Macron, taking up the arguments unfolded by his camp since the weekend against this alliance which brings together the socialists, the communists, the environmentalists and the party of Mr. Mélenchon, rebellious France.

Mr. Macron was to continue campaigning Thursday in the south-west of the country to discuss the theme of security.

It will only be his fourth trip to France since his inauguration for a second term in early May, when the sluggish campaign has caused concern in his own camp.

His main opponent

The leader of the radical left has established himself in the campaign as the main opponent of Mr. Macron. At 70, this veteran of French political life says he is convinced that he can lead his coalition to victory and impose cohabitation on the centrist liberal president.

The program of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who came third in the presidential election, represents “a disaster for France”, estimated Wednesday on the CNews channel the Minister of Energy Transition Agnès Pannier-Runacher.

At the start of the week, the leader of the presidential party, Stanislas Guérini, had beaten the charge against the “Melenchonist cartel”, waving the threat of “the disguised exit from Europe, the exit from NATO” and “nuclear”. .

This anti-Mélenchon front comes in the wake of the results of the vote in the first round of French residents abroad last weekend, which placed the candidates of the presidential majority in the lead but where the coalition of Mr. Mélenchon qualified in 10 out of 11 constituencies.

And, according to the latest polls, Mr. Mélenchon’s New Popular Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) is neck and neck in voting intentions with the formation of Mr. Macron and his centrist allies (Together!), around by 25%.

Mr. Macron and his allies would come first in number of seats but without certainty of obtaining an absolute majority (289 deputies), according to an Ipsos / Cevipof poll for The world released Wednesday.

“Low Interest”

The French are called upon to renew the entire National Assembly, ie 577 deputies, during a two-round ballot on June 12 and 19.

However, pollster Brice Teinturier underlines their “low interest” in this election, with expected abstention between 52% and 56% which could exceed the 2017 record (51.3%).

Mr. Mélenchon must hold Wednesday evening in Normandy (West), in Caen, his last big meeting before the first round on Sunday to support a 22-year-old candidate who is facing Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne.

Tuesday, Borne had considered “shocking” the remarks of Mr. Mélenchon according to which “the police kill” in France, held after the death of the passenger of a car, victim of police fire during a control Saturday in Paris.

“I do not think that people who come from socialism or from republican political forces can make comments on justice, on the police like those made by Jean-Luc Mélenchon”, added Mr. Macron on Wednesday as the drama revived the debate on police violence.

This clash between the Macron camp and the left eclipses the other parties and candidates including the presidential finalist, Marine Le Pen (extreme right).

With the political department of Agence France-Presse

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