Macron invited to come to Ukraine, Le Pen wants to form a “government of national unity” … The informed of franceinfo Monday, April 18

Around Olivier de Lagarde, the informed discuss the news of Monday April 18, 2022.

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Reading time : 1 min.

Around Olivier de Lagarde, the informed discuss the news of Monday April 18, 2022.

The themes

– Volodymyr Zelensky invites Emmanuel Macron to go to Ukraine: the Ukrainian president asks him to come and see “genocide”. In the midst of the presidential campaign, should the head of state respond positively to this request?

Presidential, 2nd round: the second round of the presidential election falls during the school holidays of the three zones. Does this situation encourage abstention?

– Le Pen outlines a government: the candidate of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen, announces on France Bleu that she will form a “government of national unity” if elected. Should we believe her?

Culture in the countryside: what place does the world of culture occupy in the presidential campaign? On France Culture, Emmanuel Macron takes stock of his five-year term and claims to have supported “in an unprecedented way” artists during the Covid-19 crisis.

The guests

Jannick Alim, deputy editor-in-chief of the political service of the Parisian-Today-in-France

– Lilian Alemagna, head of political department Release

– Valerie Lecasble, CEO of Hill & Knowlton Strategy

– Francois Ernenwein, newspaper columnist Reform

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