Around Bérangère Bonte, those informed debate the news of Tuesday April 16, 2024.
Reading time: 49 min

The themes :
Commemoration of the Liberation, continuation of the President’s memorial marathon. Emmanuel Macron was in the Vercors to commemorate the resistance fighters of the Second World War.
Carlos Tavares’ salary, indecent? Lhe shareholders of Stellantis validate the controversial remuneration of Carlos Tavares, more than 36 million euros. This last launches a challenge to Parliamentarians: make a law if you find that it is too much, “I will respect it”. The left responds “poor”.
“Operation clean space” in Mayotte, what objectives? The minister intends to fight against drug trafficking and illegal immigration. We debate it with Mansour Kamardine, LR deputy for the 2nd Constituency of Mayotte.
The informed:
Emilio Meslet major political reporter at Humanity
Elisabeth Pineau, Journalist correspondent at the Elysée and Matignon for Reuters
Jean-Sébastien Ferjou. Founder and director of Atlantico.
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Watch the show in full here: