Macron and McKinsey’s advice

“_It’s the politico-financial scandal of the presidential election. Besides that, Fillon’s costumes are pickpocketing at Emmaüs. After the EPAD scandal, that of the consulting firms. Nothing to see on the bottom, but in both cases, it does not smell very good. So, for our listeners who haven’t followed the case, I’ll explain the mess: McKinsey is the most powerful consulting firm in the world. Next door, Jacques Attali, is a fortune-teller in a caravan at the funfair. But it’s not that a Senate investigation has revealed that our president, Emmanuel Macron, is very fond of consulting firms. At the same time, when we observe certain members of the government, we cannot reproach him for looking for competence outside. So, for Emmanuel Macron, consulting firms are the equivalent of chouquettes for Sarkozy: he loves them! The first concern is that the bill is sweet, especially for us taxpayers, because Emmanuel Macron bought 1 billion euros in advice. That in fact, chouquettes. The state, therefore us, spun 500,000 euros for McKinsey to write a report for, I quote, “thinking about the teaching profession of tomorrow“I am not a specialist, but my advice would have been to keep the 500,000 euros to help today’s teachers._”

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