M6 news star Kareen Guiock Thuram is going to disappear from the screens for a completely unexpected reason!

An essential face of the sixth channel for many years, journalist Kareen Guiock-Thuram is however about to take a break. During an interview to be found in the columns of Télé-Loisirs this Friday, December 2, 2022, the presenter of 12.45 has indeed expressed her desire to move away from the small screen. The reason ? Lilian Thuram’s wife wants to embark on a brand new project related to her passion: the fourth art.

“I have had a musical project for many, many years. I have always written, sung and composed. Music is important to me and the Covid period has put things in perspective for a lot of people, including me. I asked myself existential questions about what I really wanted to deepen and music is one of them”, she revealed to our colleagues from Entertainment TV.

A project that the journalist has been thinking about since the health crisis “It triggered a deep reflection on the meaning of life. If everything had to stop tomorrow, what would I have regretted not having done? The answer was not fully committing to the music,” she explained, anxious to have no regrets.

May the viewers of the M6 ​​channel be reassured all the same, Kareen Guiock-Thuram has planned to return to the antenna of 12.45 at the start of the next school year. In September 2023, the journalist should therefore return to the small screen!

See also: “No matter what, he’s crazy!” : Karine Le Marchand no longer knows where to go after this sexual allusion!


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