M.Pokora tackled by a furious Pierre Palmade who puts an end to his participation in the Enfoirés!

For 30 years, Pierre Palmade has entertained the French through his art. An essential comedian, he has also distinguished himself in countless film projects. This Tuesday, December 13, 2022, France 2 has also decided to honor the star. But it is above all his sketches that have greatly marked his audience. His first shows have not aged “a wrinkle”.

“They have more weight played at 50 than they had when I started my career, maybe a little too young for that matter. Today, I think I was propelled into the limelight a little young, but it had its advantages”confided Pierre Palmade in the program “The favorite comedians of the French” last year.

At 54, the ex-husband of Véronique Sanson analyzes his immense career with a lot of philosophy. For a time, he was running after fame at all costs. But it also caused countless torments. “I liked being recognized so much that I didn’t go abroad. Because there, I no longer existed. My neurosis went that far. If they didn’t turn around on me, it was a panic attack.” revealed Pierre Palmade on the airwaves ofEurope 1.“Now it’s even the other way around. If the person doesn’t really know what I’m doing, I like it”.

“He confuses dressing rooms a bit with sports locker rooms…”

In any case, thanks to his popularity, he also likes to help others. For a long time, the artist took pleasure in joining the merry troupe of the Enfoirés. Era now over to believe his words… As he indicated in 2017, Pierre Palmade had trouble getting along with the newcomers to the band. “Since a lot of young singers have arrived, they’ve taken matters into their own hands, so I don’t recognize my buddies,” acknowledged the actor for RTL. “I have less fun in the dressing rooms, that’s it, and when we have less fun in the dressing rooms, we have less fun on stage…”.

During the interview, journalist Eric Dussart wanted to know more about it. Cash as usual, Pierre Palmade shared his feelings without filter: “Matt Pokora is having a lot of fun. He confuses dressing rooms a bit with sports locker rooms”. Vibe…


to see also: Was Pierre Palmade completely “stuffed” on the set of C8?

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