Lyon joins PSG in the final after its demonstration against Reims

The Lyonnaises played against Reims, little thumb of the championship playoffs, Sunday at Groupama Stadium (6-0).

France Télévisions – Sports Editorial



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Kadidiatou Diani and the Lyonnaises victorious against Reims in the semi-final of D1 Arkema on May 12, 2024 at Groupama Stadium.  (MAXPPP)

If the outcome of the first D1 Arkema semi-final between PSG and Paris FC was decided on penalties, there was much less suspense in the other semi-final, Sunday May 12. In front of 11,000 spectators at Groupama Stadium, the Lyonnaises won easily against the Rémoises (6-0), unexpected guests of the playoffs. Olympique Lyonnais will host PSG in the final on Friday.

Leader of the championship at the end of the regular season with 26 points ahead of Reims, fourth, Lyon enforced logic against the Champenoises. If the Rémoises had the merit of not closing the game with a low block, they quickly cracked under the Lyon attacks, with a first goal from Wendie Renard following a corner poorly cleared by the defense (12th). The Dutch Daniëlle van de Donk doubled the lead with a long shot (36th), imitated a few minutes later by Amel Majri, who scored a goal with a sublime strike from more than 25 meters before the break (42nd, 3 -0).

Returning from the locker room, the Lyonnaises did not slow down and Kadidiatou Diani, who had missed two good chances in the first period, found the path to the Reims small net (57th, 4-0). Only a minute later, Melchie Dumornay also participated in the party (58th, 5-0), then Diani scored twice after a mix-up in the Reims area (67th, 6-0). The Rémoises, who do not have the bench depth of Olympique Lyonnais, also paid for their match played on Wednesday against PSG to secure their ticket for the playoffs, while the Lyonnaises had sent their reserve team to Bordeaux for the last championship day.

Ada Hegerberg returns from injury

Already well ahead, the Champenoises saw OL make weight changes at the end of the match, notably with the entry of Ada Hegerberg, back after two months of absence, while important deadlines loom for the Lyonnaises, with the Champions League final on May 25 against Barcelona. Before that, the Fenottes will play the championship final against PSG on Friday at home, and are aiming for a 17e title of champion of France. The Rémoises will play for a ticket to the Champions League in the small final against Paris FC.

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