Lyon hosts the largest business creation fair

One and a half million companies will be created in 2023, according to INSEE. Even if some nuances exist, business creation is doing rather well in France. A trend to be confirmed, Thursday, at the Go Entrepreneurs show, an event “Les Échos””Le Parisien”, in partnership with franceinfo.



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The 31st edition of GO Entrepreneurs, a place for meetings and discussions around entrepreneurship projects, in Paris, April 3, 2024. (BRUNO LEVESQUE / MAXPPP)

Go Entrepreneurs, the meeting place for business creation, will be held on Thursday September 26 at La Sucrière in Lyon. An event Les Echos / Le Parisien in partnership with franceinfo. According to INSEE, the French created almost twice as many businesses last year as ten years ago. One and a half million companies were created in 2023, compared to 560,000 in 2013. But this dynamism hides still very strong disparities affecting women and young creators from working-class neighborhoods.

Micro-entrepreneurs, or self-employed (status created in 2008) represent 63% of company creations in France, which allows our country to cross the symbolic mark of one million companies created for the third consecutive year. In detail, sixteen million French people signed up for this entrepreneurial dynamic last year, but women only contributed a third – 28% precisely –, stable since 2016.

According to a barometer established by the Public Investment Bank Bpifrance, the first element cited is the desire for independence. Don’t depend on a boss, but be your own boss and gain freedom. The financial obstacle is not considered insurmountable: nearly four out of ten business creators started their business without devoting significant financial resources, in many cases with less than 1,000 euros of capital.

The Go Entrepreneurs show is aimed at these business creators. The event brings together 250 professionals to discuss with, 120 conferences and workshops, 10,000 visitors are expected. A toolbox and numerous contacts to set up your project or take stock, weigh the pros and cons, before and after creation.

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