Lviv hit by shelling



Article written by

T. Cuny, @RevelateursFTV, B. Vidal – France 2

France Televisions

Rather spared so far, the city of Lviv, in Ukraine, was hit by bombardments on Monday April 18 in the morning.

The war in Ukraine continues. Monday, April 18 in the morning, in the west of the country, the city of Lviv, until now rather spared by the fighting, paid the price for the bombardments. At least four Russian missiles fell on the Ukrainian city. The columns of smoke were visible for miles.

According to the Ukrainian authorities, military infrastructure and a civilian car garage were targeted near a railway line. “Seven people were killed, 11 others were injured, according to initial information,” said Maksym Kozytsky, head of the Lviv military administrative region. However, the rubble still needed to be excavated and new victims could be discovered. It should be noted that rare are the strikes so close to the center of the city.

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