Lure: a soccer coach would have made 18 minor victims in Quebec

A soccer coach who would have worked at the Académie Saint-Louis has been arrested in connection with offenses luring, possession of child pornography and voyeurism. According to the police, he could have made up to 18 minor victims.

The Quebec City Police Service (SPVQ) arrested the suspect, a native of Quebec, on Thursday. Placed in detention, he must appear in court on Friday.

According to the SPVQ, the investigation began on February 21 following the report of a victim, which “quickly led the investigators to a total of 18 potential minor victims to meet”.

The police department specifies that “in this case, the suspect had professional ties with at least one educational institution in the Quebec region as well as with various soccer sports associations”.

He allegedly used a social networking app to commit the alleged luring offences.

According to our information, the defendant was a soccer coach and was involved in the Saint-Louis Academy. It was not possible to confirm this information with the private establishment.

In an email sent Wednesday obtained by Le Journal, the school informed the parents that a “particular situation required the presence of several police officers” during the day at the secondary pavilion.

“Students were questioned following information transmitted concerning the lure”, is it written. The communication specifies that everything is taken care of by the SPVQ and that a psychosocial team is available to the students.

The Sexual Exploitation of Minors (ESM) Unit worked in collaboration with the Youth Intervention and Prevention Unit and investigators from the Major Crimes Module to shed light on the case.

“This effective mobilization of resources testifies to the importance that the SPVQ places on reports of the sexual exploitation of minors in order to secure and protect victims,” ​​says the SPVQ.

“We remind any alleged victim that it is important to file a complaint by contacting us, whether the events are contemporary or not. We are committed to supporting any denunciation of decoy, as in all the files that we lead, ”insists the police in their press release.

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