Luna Skye (Les Marseillais) was close to death: her surgeon defends herself, another infected reality TV star

The life of two reality TV candidates has become hell since they turned to HYAcorp, in order to have a more curved buttocks without having to resort to cosmetic surgery. A calvary that Luna Skye and the other participant described in an interview with Release. Contacted by our colleagues, the surgeon who performed the injections spoke for the first time.

Since 2006, the BioScience laboratory has allowed women to be injected with HYAcorp, a transparent and viscous gel made from cross-linked hyaluronic acid. He is recommended to have “only” 5 to 20 syringes per buttock, for a price of around 200 euros per syringe. An intervention, the effects of which last eighteen to twenty-four months and which seduced Luna Skye. The candidate of Marseilles 26-year-old revealed to have used it. And since last October, she has spent most of her time hospitalized as she told and continues to tell on Instagram. In question ? The young woman who paid 7,000 euros to receive 40 syringes per buttock has staphylococcus and sepsis. Thus, she spent no less than three months in hospital in Los Angeles, where she lives, before being repatriated to France in mid-December.

On his side Emilie Amar, revealed on NRJ12 during season 2 of Friends Trip in 2018, suffered the same fate. The 26-year-old also testified on Instagram after receiving 33 injections of HYAcorp last summer. “We have no solution because the bacterium is certainly lodged inside the product and it takes two years to be absorbed. As soon as I stop the treatment, the infection comes back“, she confided in tears. Like Luna, she had different antibiotic treatments. If in the former companion of Paga it caused addictions, in her, it is a drug-induced hepatitis and Clostridium difficile (bacteria causing inflammation of the colon) which was to be deplored.

Luna Skye and Emilie Amar’s surgeon speaks out

Both went to a famous surgeon, Benjamin Azoulay, which has already received several reality TV candidates. For the first time, he spoke to Release. “I injected 350 patients and 3 were victims of infection. I do not absolve myself of my responsibility, but in the majority of cases, it goes well“, he defended himself. He then explained that, although he has become the brand ambassador of HYAcorp in France, he has no “financial interests with the company“.”When the product arrived in France, I created an injection protocol and today I train professionals in its use.“, he continued.

He was of course made aware of the cases of infections and immediately warned the National Medicines Safety Agency and the Regional Health Agency. Release asked him why Luna received 80 injections, while the laboratory recommends 5 to 20 syringes per buttock. “Medical secrecy obliges, I cannot directly mention the case of my patients but for information, these are recommendations, not prohibitions issued by the lab“, he justified himself.

Today Luna Skye and Emilie Amar are taken care of by the head of the plastic surgery department at the Tenon hospital in Paris. If Emilie Amar left on January 8 after four days of hospitalization, Luna Skye is still there. “I spent three months in hospital in the United States. There, I was close to death, I feel like I was a guinea pig. We tested a lot of treatments and as soon as we stopped them, I got another infection. I became addicted to oxycodone [un analgésique à base d’opioïde, NDLR]”, she revealed. She then went through a traumatic operation once in France that took its toll on her body.”Today, I have six large locks that go in on one side of the buttocks and come out the other. So I have 12 holes. These wicks allow the nurses to carry out washes: twice a day, we pass Betadine and hydrogen peroxide”, she said. Details that send shivers down your spine.

For her part, Emilie Amar deplores the fact that this process has been presented as a “harmless intervention“, while this had disastrous consequences for Luna as for her. If today she is out of trouble, she fears a new relapse, which would be the sixth since her injections.

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