Luna Skye (Les Marseillais) can no longer walk: return to the OR for a new operation …

The last few months have been difficult for Luna skye. The reality TV candidate spotted in The people of Marseilles (W9) contracted sepsis after injections into the buttocks. A serious infection which earned him several hospital stays. Monday January 3, 2022, after a moment of silence, she speaks on social networks. And the news is not good.

In a story on Instagram, Luna Skye shares the message of a loved one. “You ask me how Luna is doing. She is in severe physical pain. And Luna can’t walk“, we learn. Information confirmed by the main interested party, which indicates that the infection now affects her buttocks.”Sorry folks, it is not going very well in the hospital right now. I repeat an infection. I’m still feverish and I don’t quite know how to deal with things psychologically, she writes. I miss the simple things in life a lot. It’s just complicated for me to share my daily life with you when it looks like nothing.

In this painful ordeal, Paga’s ex-companion can however count on the support of Internet users – both financially and morally -, as she confides: “In any case, I read your messages of support every day and even if I don’t always have the strength to respond, it means a lot to me. Know that you bring me a lot of comfort in all of this and that I am very grateful to have you.

But these messages of encouragement and support are not enough. The 24-year-old finds herself in a state of deep distress after hearing bad news. “We go back to the OR, suddenly and we are going to do a new operation. I’ll keep you posted on how it’s going“, she launches, still on the social network for sharing images. A very sad way to start the year 2022 for Luna Skye …

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