France Bleu Provence is a partner of the Lumexplore Festival, science and environment exploration films at the Eden Théâtre in La Ciotat.
Lumexplore and the world of exploration.
Created 7 years ago, the Lumexplore festival is a recognized meeting place in the world of exploration. Lumexplore brings together all the areas to which exploration and adventure bring more knowledge and a better understanding of our world through oceanography, geography, environment, archeology, speleology, the history of our planet and its future, and other disciplines. The research is presented to the public through films, photo exhibitions, conferences allowing exchanges between the explorers and the public. But the great originality of Lumexplore and its main mission is to open its doors to the younger generation by including them in the festival as film directors, so that they are involved in the future that awaits them and imagine solutions. for our fragile planet.
– Lumexplore
La Ciotat, the History of Cinema
La Ciotat is above all the city of another adventure, that of cinema. The Eden theater cinema, which hosts Lumexplore, is the oldest projection room in the world still in operation. it has become a mythical place in the history of cinema for having hosted the screenings of the Lumière brothers’ first films in 1895. very quickly, these precursors will send operators to the four corners of the world. these first “camera explorers”, such as Francis Doublier or Gabriel Veyre, brought back images from countries unknown to the general public. Lumexplore pays tribute to these pioneers and follows in their footsteps.
– Lionel Pourchier
The festival
Lumexplore will host over 5 days, a dozen directors and scientific speakers and prestigious guests, a dozen conferences and meetings and three juries composed of 5 members.
In competition :
- 15 films of scientific and/or environmental exploration, with the awarding of the LuMexPLore grand prize: €3,000 awarded by the iris foundation.
- 6 books with the awarding of the Book Prize.
- 5 films of 5 minutes made by schoolchildren – colleges and high schools, with a LuMexPLore Junior Prize for each category, awarded by Ifremer, selected from the 19 films received.
- 5 comics for the LuMexPLore Junior Comics Prize.
- 8 films out of competition.
Have :
- 5 exhibitions on scientific and environmental themes, at the Chapelle des Pénitents.
- Free workshops and events inside the cinema and on the Esplanade du 8 mai.
- Lumexplore will host over 5 days, a dozen directors and scientific speakers and prestigious guests, a dozen conferences and meetings and three juries composed of 5 members.